On the field On the field

Regional Fighter Practice and Informational Moot

Hosted by: Shire of Inner Sea

Start Date: 7/29/2006 Thru End Date: 7/29/2006 41
Billings Park
Billings Drive and N 21st Street
Superior WI 54880

Planned Activities: Armored Combat

Join us for a day of combat in the park. There is space if anyone wants to bring A&S projects to work on, teach, or share. There is also space for rapier, but, alas, we have no marshal. This will be an informal 10th anniversary celebration for the Shire. There is water available and also toilet facilities, picnic tables. Sorry there are no showers. Bring your own lunch or something to share-we will provide a light soup. This is a city park and so no camping, discretely damp, and there is playground equipment for the amusement of the children. The park does have handicapped parking areas and is fairly flat. We will be in the main pavillion. There will be no site fee.Hours are 10:00am-5:00pm. The park closes at sundown. Contact the event steward with any questions. Godfrey Donnarsson (Jeff Bloomquist) @ varangian1317@yahoo.com
From the east, come into Superior by way of Hwy 2/53. Follow Hwy 2 to 18th Ave E, take that to the left for 6 blocks and it becomes 28th St. Follow 28th St to Hammond Ave and take a right to 21st St and take that to the left. Follow 21st St west to the end. There will be signs for the park. From the North follow Hwy 53 from Duluth to Wisconsin and go straight off of the bridge onto Hammond Ave. Follow Hammond Ave to 21st St and take a right on 21st. Follow that to the end and watch for the signs for the park. From the west follow Hwy 2 East into Wisconsin. After the Hwy turns to go across town (at the stop light) you will want the next street-Garfield Ave. Take that right to 21st St. Turn right on 21st St and follow that to the Park. Watch for signs.SORRY, THE GRILLS CANNOT BE USED AS THERE IS A FIRE BAN IN EFFECT.

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