Karl von Frettchenburg Karl von Frettchenburg

Mid-Realm Bardic Madness XIX

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 11/18/2017 Thru End Date: 11/18/2017 52
Our Savior Lutheran Church
300 W Fowler Ave
Lafayete IN 47906

Planned Activities: Bardic Activities , Classes
Bardic Madness comes but, well... twice a year actually - once in Northshield and once in the Mid-Realm.  And since Spring is too darn long to wait, we invite one and all to come south of the Cheddar Curtain.  This year, we'll be hosted by the Barony of Rivenstar (Lafayette, IN).  Yes, we are indeed going to the middle of the Middle.  If Yehuda comes, we'll try and locate an Earth Shattering Kaboom :-) 

Site fees: TBD
Checks payable to: SCA Inc-Barony of Rivenstar

Event Steward: Brianna the Small (MKA: Breanna Jones) rivenstar.seneschal@midrealm.org; 765-413-8491
Site mostly accessible.


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