Moments after Valerius Paencalvus won Middle Kingdom Crown for Fern de la Foret (circa 1984) Moments after Valerius Paencalvus won Middle Kingdom Crown for Fern de la Foret (circa 1984)

Courting on the River

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 2/18/2017 Thru End Date: 2/18/2017 51
Bethel Westly United Methodist Church
1201 13th street
Moline IL 61265

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Classes , Rapier Combat , Cut and Thrust Combat

Courtly love is the theme.
A&S class and competition coordinator is Elisabeta Fischer email is 
A&S competition is create a favor for someone who inspires you. 

Rapier tourney will be either a pool tourney or double elimination depending on how many fighters attended.

Cut & thrust tourney will be a pool tourney with counted after blows.
Armored tourney will be either a pool tourney or double elimination depending on how many fighters attended.

Site opens at 9 am and closes at 7 pm February 18, 2017

Site fees
Merchant fee is a donation to our fundraiser for the local animal shelter (a list of needed items will be emailed closer to the event)

No pre-reg, pay at site
Children 0-8 years old are free. 
Children 8-15 is $8, membership discount $3
16+ is $10, membership discount $5

Lunch is $5

Feast is $10

Autocrat contact information 
Lady Elisabeta Fischer (Elisabeth DeCrane)

Marshal in Charge contact information 
Lord Wendell of Dark River (Jeremiah Kaha)
Phone number (309) 292-5615

Count Hagan, KSCA (Joshua Mock)

Merchant coordinator is Elisabeta Fischer email is 

Checks payable to: SCA Inc Dark River
Site is handicap accessible


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