The Future of Northshield The Future of Northshield

Ages of War

Hosted by: Shire of Silfren Mere

Start Date: 5/26/2006 Thru End Date: 5/29/2006 41
Preston Fairgrounds
413 E Fillmore St (County Rd 12)
Preston MN 55965

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Equestrian , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat

In the year of The Dream AS41, join the Griffon and the Falcon in an age of war where the victor is decided not by strength of arms, speed of steel, sound of voice, nor skill of hand, but by a combination of them all. No longer shall the might of a kingdom be judged by the strength of its army. The true strength of a kingdom lies in the unity of its populace, and the unity of It's friends. As such, should not the entire populace play a part in the elevation and elation of the Honor of the Griffon and the Falcon? We say “Yes!”

To that end are all good gentles of invited to take part in the honor and glory of Ages of War. It will not be just the army that decides the victor, but the whole of the populace. From the most veteran Knight to the newest bard, from the senior Laurel to the budding volunteer, from the most seasoned archer to the fledgling rider, from the wise and venerable to those entering the Dream for the first time, everyone will have the opportunity to advance the honor, chivalry and glory of the Dream.

For three days will this battle rage, and at the end of it all, to the Victor shall go the Spoils! Join us and lend your hand, your sword, your skill, your voice in raising the chorus of the Dream to the heights of Honor and Glory.

Ages of War is a themed event. This year, AS 41, will be based on the battle of Agincourt. As people check in they will be given a red or a blue distinction to signify whether they have chosen to compete as English or as French. Once you have chosen either English or French, for the remainder of the weekend we ask that you hold true to that choice. If you have a particular group with which you wish to fight, please plan ahead. Keep in mind you may be asked to reconsider that choice as we will do our best to keep things balanced, but there will be some discrepancies in numbers and abilities.

Site is handicap accessible.

Alcohol Policies: site is wet, no sales on site but consumption for those of legal drinking age is permitted.

There will be children's activities and plenty of merchant space.

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