Gwendolyn de Lindsey Gwendolyn de Lindsey

Danse Macabre

Hosted by: Shire of Hvitskogar

Start Date: 10/1/2016 Thru End Date: 10/1/2016 51
Ironwood township Gym
N10892 Lake Road
Ironwood MI 49938

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing

As the days draw cooler, the White Woods invite you to join us in a Danse Macabre. Dust off your dancing shoes, poach a partner, and don your masks as we once again celebrate life through dance! 

A day full of classes of various period styles await you, culminating in a glorious masked ball in the evening. Before we dance the night away, sate yourself with the culinary delights our fine cooks have in store for you! 

Site opens 9:00am, closes 10pm. 

Event Stewards:
Honora De Cunningham-  http://hvitskogarmoas @
Caitriona inghean Criomthainn- http://hvitskogarchatelaine @

Class coordinator:
Marcial de Salas- http://manvulture @

Feast Steward:
Morwenna Whiteoke 
http://hvitskogarchatelaine @

Silent Auction  9:00am-3:00pm. (proceeds will go towards the Kingdom travel fund)
Lunch: noon-1:00pm
Feast  5:30pm

Masked ball commences at 7:00pm and ends at site close. 

Site Fee:
Adult event registration - $15.00
Adult member discount event registration- $10.00
Minors 17 and under - Free. 

Feast- (Limit 40 seats, sorry no Pre-registration. )
Adults and minors over 16- $12.00
Minors 5-15 - $6.00. 
Minors 4 and under- Free


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