I think he's dead, Martin! I think he's dead, Martin!

A Monk's Life: Scribin' & Imbibin' - A Scribal and Brewing Symposium

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 2/21/2015 Thru End Date: 2/21/2015 49
The South Church of Mount Prospect
501 S. Emerson St.
Mount Prospect IL 60056

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Classes

The Barony of Ayreton, in the Middle Kingdom, invites you to join us for a day of Scribal artistry and Brewing science.

Site is WET, must present valid state issued ID if you are 21+ and wish to be able to sample the Beverages throughout the day.

See below for our Class offerings

Visit our Website at http://midrealm.org/ayreton/monkslife/index.html

General Schedule of the day

  • 9:00AM Site Opens
  • 10:00AM Classes Start
  • 12:00PM Lunch Break
  • 5:00PM Classes End
  • 5:30PM Feast
  • 7:00PM On Site Revel
  • 10:00PM Site Closes

  • Schedule of Classes
    TIMEScribal Track 1Scribal Track 2Brewing Track
    10:00am The Perfect Scroll Case and How to Make It
    The Honorable Lady Elaine Ladd
    Unorthodocs, what really makes a scroll
    Lord Brynn Herleifsson
    Homebrewed Soda Pop
    Baroness Gianetta Andreini da Vicenza
    11:00am Creating Calligraphy Cadels
    The Honorable Lady Heather Marie Hall
    Blinging up Your Scrolls
    Lady Saraswati man Ikkam
    Cordials in the Period: A Round Table Discussion
    Baroness Nadezda ze Zastrizl
    12:00pm ******************** LUNCH ********************
    12:30pm ******************** LUNCH ******************** Bring Your Best
    Baron Henry of Exeter
    1:00pm Beginning Calligraphy for the Complete Klutz
    $10.00 beginner kits, or just come and try out a loaner pen.
    Lady Brygithe Muller
    Monastic Life Class:
    Introduction to the Rule of Benedict and Monastic Life

    Abot Johann von Metten
    The History of Hops
    The Honorable Lady Roana Aldinoch
    2:00pm Beginning Illumination for the Complete Klutz
    Lady Byrgithe Muller
    Excruciatingly Basic Calligraphy
    Baron Wilhelm Michalik
    Women in Brewing History
    Baroness Jane the Tall
    3:00pm The Golden Ratio: What is it, why do I care?
    The Honorable Lady Roana Aldinoch
    Playing with Gold Leaf
    The Honorable Lord Justice McArtain
    Your First Brew Day
    The Honorable Lord Aethelwulf of Dover
    4:00pm Scribal Hacks
    Dame Jocelyn of Lutterworth
    Monastic Life Class:
    From the Desert to the Cloister

    Abot Johann von Metten
    A Simple Starter Hard Cider
    Sgt. Gareth Ostwestly
    5:00pm ******************** Classes End ********************

    Class Descriptions

    Scribal Classes |Brewing Classes |Monastic Life Classes

    Scribal Classes

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    • The Perfect Scroll Case and How to Make It – The Honorable Lady Elaine Ladd

    • A sewing tutorial on how to make scroll cases that will be used and welcomed by all scribes.

    • Creating Calligraphy Cadels – The Honrable Lady Heather Marie Hall

    • A class in creating and embellishing the ornate capital letters used throughout medieval calligraphy.

    • Beginning Illumination for the Complete Klutz – Lady Byrgithe Muller

    • There's a wonderful secret that opens the door to instant success for brand new scribes, and this is it: tracing is entirely period! You don't have to be an artist to create beautiful illuminated initials. Even your very first painting would be a welcome donation to the barony's scroll blank collection.

    • Beginning Calligraphy for the Complete Klutz - Lady Byrgithe Muller

    • Do you look at beautiful scrolls and wish you were able to make those pretty letters... but your handwriting is atrocious? The great news is that calligraphy is closer to playing with LEGOs than fine art! If you can stack building blocks, you CAN do calligraphy. $10 beginner kits, or just come and try out a loaner pen.

    • The Golden Ratio: What is it, and why do I care? - The Honorable Lady Roana Aldinoch

    • Learn what the Golden Ratio means to the medieval mind. Then, learn to lay out your illuminated pages like a medieval monk, using the Golden Ratio as your guide.

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    • Scribal Hacks: A panel discussion/demonstration – Dame Jocelyn of Lutterworth

    • Repurposing, making it cheaper and making do to complete your scribal toolbox.

    • Excruciatingly Basic Calligraphy – Baron Wilhelm Michalik

    • Think you can't do calligraphy? Whether you're a true beginner or an illuminator who wishes to broaden your skills to include the calligraphy side of the equation, there's something for you in this class. Together we'll shed the apprehension that holds you back from this half of the scribal arts. I will help you break down the Gothic hand to basic components, and give you the tools with which to develop further.

    • Unorthodocs, what really makes a scroll – Lord Brynn Herleifsson

    • A discussion of the tradition and hard requirements of scrolls in the Midrealm and a slideshow of 'alternative' and unusual scrolls.

    • Playing with Gold Leaf – The Honorable Lord Justice McArtain

    • Setup, making gesso, and making the gold stick and shine.

    • Blinging up Your Scrolls – Lady Saraswati man Ikkam

    • An introduction (make and take) to jewel shading. The step by step of painting lifelike pearls, jewels and other blingtastic items.

    Brewing Classes

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    Monastic Life Classes

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    • Introduction to the Rule of Benedict and Monastic Life – Abot Johann von Metten

    • From the Desert to the Cloister – Abot Johann von Metten

    • A look at the genus of monastic life during the early and high middle ages.

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