Don Rodrigo de Montoya and Dona Margalit Medicus measuring the distance.... Don Rodrigo de Montoya and Dona Margalit Medicus measuring the distance....

Midrealm Spring Coronation

Hosted by: Kingdom of Middle

Start Date: 5/2/2015 Thru End Date: 5/2/2015 50
Hidden Springs Church
5860 North Latson Road
Howell MI 48855

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Boffer Combat

The Coronation of
Ragnvaldr III and Arabella III

Please join Us at the Midrealm's Spring Coronation of Ragnvaldr et Arabella.

The Grand Barony of the Roaring Wastes in conjunction with the Ancient Barony of Northwoods invite you to witness the Succession of the Crowns of the Middle Kingdom on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015.  The ceremony and celebration shall take place from 9am through 8pm at Hidden Springs Church, 5860 North Latson Road, Howell, MI 48855​.

Site Fees:​

  Advance     At Door        
$8 $10 Adult  Proof of Membership Required   
$25 $30   Family Cap   4 or More
$0 Children  Under Age 7
$5 Ages 7 - 14
$5 Surcharge Non-Member or Lacking Proof of Membership!
The price for dinner will be:  $12
The feast will serve 54 fortunate individuals​
A Sideboard will be available.
There will be room for 80.
We recommend smaller groups join in their shared menus prior to event.
Contact: Aurora for Feast Payments  

Advance Registration is available via USPService until April 18th


Checks should be made out to: 
SCA, Inc.- Barony of Roaring Wastes

Send Payments to:
  Aurora Benner attn: CORO
26385 Brush Street
Madison Heights, MI 48071


Feast will be served following the evening court

A Sideboard will be available.
There will be room for 80.
We recommend smaller groups join in their shared menus prior to event.

Event Stewards Lady Aurora Balint 
Captain Christian Luuk von Brabant

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