Master Friedrich von Augsburg Master Friedrich von Augsburg

Thatsa M-Arrrrrrrrr eh:Brigands, Corsairs and Raiders

Hosted by: Shire of Mare Amethystinum

Start Date: 6/26/2015 Thru End Date: 6/28/2015 50
Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park

Kakabeka Falls ON P0T 1W0

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities
The Shire of Mare Amethystinum invites all to ThatsaM-arrrrrrr eh: Brigands, Corsairs and Raiders.

With the summer sun finally in the sky over Mare Amethystinum the eye of some unsavoury types have turned toward the small shire. This is being held at Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park 

 June 26 to 28, 2015.  Site opens 2pm on the 26th and closes 2 pm the 28th.

 Site Fee:  $15 for Members and $20 for non members (Family Rate is $50).

 Event Steward: Caius Angelus (mka SeanMurphy) he may be contacted at or at 807-627-2977.

Planned Activities: 

Armoured Combat (planned by LordHammond)

Archery (pending marshals), 

Arts & Sciences Display (hosted by Lady Ghrainne MacNaois)

Bardic Activities, 

Pilfered Pirate Potluck, 

Raffle, a rumoured treasure, 

Fellowship, and Saturday Breakfast

The site is wet, has showers, and nearby swimming hole.

The park boasts a spectacular waterfall.  

The campsite has potable water available, and onsite parking, dogs are welcome but must be leashed. 

So if you would like some fun, fellowship and maybe a bardic fire or two please join us up in 

Mare Amthystinum for some pirating fun! 



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