Seren Cynydd Seren Cynydd

Bardic Madness XXV

Hosted by: Canton of Nordleigh

Start Date: 3/27/2015 Thru End Date: 3/29/2015 49
Hastings Country Inn
300 33rd Street
Hastings MN 55033

Planned Activities: Bardic Activities , Classes , Heraldic Consultation

The Canton of Nordleigh and the Northshield College of Bards Present

Bardic Madness XXV

Twenty Five Years of Madness

Friday 27 March - Sunday 29 March AS49 2015CE

Hastings Country Inn

300 33rd Street, Hastings MN 55033

Come join us for 48 hours of Bardic, celebrating 25 years of Bardic Madness! Watch the website for updates!

Site Hours: 2pm 27 March–2pm 29 March

Site Fee: $12/adult pre-registered by 15 March. $15/adult at the door. 17 & under free. $5 Non-member surcharge applies.

Day Board: $5. Siobhan Medhbh O’Roarke is quite determined to feed us all day if we let her!

Feast: $13 pre-registered by 15 March. $15 at the door. Remember: Feast is Fyt the Fourth! You want to eat feast! (Off-board seating will be available if you really can’t).

Pre-registrations: Checks to “SCA Barony of Nordskogen”. Mail to Libby Aufderheide, 7401 West 101st Street, Apartment 117, Bloomington, MN 55438. Include e-mail address to receive confirmation of receipt! Pre-reg cut-off 15 March. Pre-registration strongly encouraged.

On-site Lodging: $84/room/night. Some suites available. Reserve at (651) 437-8870, block name “Bardic Madness”. NOTE: We strongly encourage everyone to consider staying on site and enjoying the non-stop bardic goodness! Reserve early!

Site is accessible.

Site will not have merchants. There's really no good place to put them.

Site is wring-it-out-and-make-another-martini-with-it wet. Just don’t be dumb.


Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair (Michael Scott Shappe)

<> 612 750 1841

Jane Waye (DeNae Leverentz)

<> 763 442 0787


Eithni inghean Talorgan (Jean Hetzel)

<> 608 628 7782

Feast Steward:
Siobhan Medhbh O’Roarke (Patricia Odum McGregor)

<> 651 340 3152

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