Don Rodrigo de Montoya and Dona Margalit Medicus measuring the distance.... Don Rodrigo de Montoya and Dona Margalit Medicus measuring the distance....
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Golden Peacock, Order of the Alphador Ralphus Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Golden Peacock, Order of the Delphina D'Orleans Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Award of Arms Eileen Turner Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Award of Arms Hans Volsch Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Award of Arms Ragna Steinbjorgsdottir (Raia) Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Glove, Award of the Toyaoka Katsuo Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce

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