Antolin el Tunante de Treburgos Antolin el Tunante de Treburgos

Awards presented at Une Fete d'Amour on 2/16/2008

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Black Flame, Award of the Bayard the Turner Kingdom of Northshield Hagan and Eilis
Award of Arms Helene of Korsvag Kingdom of Northshield Hagan and Eilis
Brigits Flame, Order of Marguerite d"Avignon Kingdom of Northshield Hagan and Eilis
Black Flame, Award of the Rose of Korsvag Kingdom of Northshield Hagan and Eilis
Black Flame, Award of the Rosele of Midewinde Kingdom of Northshield Hagan and Eilis
Cygnus, Award of the Seumas mac Brehon Kingdom of Northshield Hagan and Eilis

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