Recognize this armouring Laurel? (circa 1984) Recognize this armouring Laurel? (circa 1984)
Award: Scroll of Honor
Persona: Osric of Fayrehope
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 1/21/2012 at Elephants and Red Castles ( 3 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Vladimir and Petranella
Reason: For his exemplary work as Event information officer.  His cheerfulness and speed with which he does the job.  For keeping on top of event announcements and calendar conflicts.
Calligraphy by Vaclav z Rokycan , Drawing by Ia ingen Aeda . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award

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