Jois Corbet, on the archery line Jois Corbet, on the archery line
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Aelina Aelinesdottir Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Award of Arms Audrey Cross Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Vigil for Laurel Bartel fitz Neel Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
White Scarf of Northshield, Order of the Dante Falconis Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Cypher, Consort's Druscilla Galbraith Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Queen's Cypher Gaia Aurelia Kingdom of Outlands 5/11/2013
Award of Arms Gianetta Volpe da Verona called Zaneta Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Award of Arms Gráinne Fhionnabhair inghean Fhaoláin Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Hideyoshi Yoshimitsu no Kami Nobunaga Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Black Flame, Award of the Katerinka Lvovicha Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
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