"So, do you think that they know what they're doing?" "So, do you think that they know what they're doing?"
Court Date: 2/17/2024 (Court #1)
Event Name: Fighter's School
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar III and Isabella
Reporter: Abelard die Elster
Herald: Abelard die Elster
Here follows the court report from His Majesty Yngvar's royal court at Fighter's School, Feb 17, 2024, AS 58, in the Barony of Windhaven. The herald was Baron Abelard, signet was Magistra Sofonisba, and seneschal was Baron Iohannes, Seneschal of Windhaven. Baron Abelard also observed the toy run.

His Majesty requested Johann Jacobson to run the toy chest for the children present.

His Majesty presented mugs to the newcomers.
Their Excellencies Windhaven presented Eyja Edmundsdottir and Eysteinn meinfretr as their "local highlight".
Their Excellencies thanked everyone for coming.
His Majesty also thanked everyone.

Awards Presented

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