This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today? This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today?
Court Date: 1/13/2024 (Court #1)
Event Name: Twelfth Night and Nordskogen 50th Anniversary
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar III and Isabella
Reporter: Katerinka Lvovicha
Herald: Katerinka Lvovicha
Other Heralds: Yehudah ben Yitzhak, Farolfus filius Richardi
Signet: Farolfus filius Richardi
Seneschal: Bazyli Bolesław z Krakowa
Toy Run Supervisor: Luftwine Byrnsmiþ
 Princess Sleeve Champion  -   Yagüe Antolínez
 Cynthia the Innocent and Heliseus Morte d'Arbor were invested as Nordskogen's territorial baronesses

Awards Presented

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