Eilis mac Maurice Eilis mac Maurice
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Baronial Brassard Christophe Baernklau von Rostock Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 1/1/1900
Flaming Heart Christophe Baernklau von Rostock Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 1/1/1900
Award of Arms Vladislav Siretescu Kingdom of Middle 2/12/2000
Award of Arms Olafr Grimolfsson Kingdom of Middle 9/22/2001
Purple Fret Olafr Grimolfsson Kingdom of Middle 6/8/2002
Award of Arms Anastasiia Rusa Iureva vnuchka, a Vladislava zhena Kingdom of Middle 2/11/2006
Cygnus, Award of the Olafr Grimolfsson Kingdom of Northshield 5/12/2007 Northshield Spring Crown Hrodir and Giulia
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Arban Arslan Kingdom of Northshield 5/12/2007 Northshield Spring Crown Hrodir and Giulia
Award of Arms Alrick ap Dreibrucken Kingdom of Northshield 10/27/2007 Masquerade II Hagan and Eilis
Award of Arms Ishak of Western Keep Kingdom of Northshield 11/3/2007 St. Katherine's Hagan and Eilis
Willow Anastasiia Rusa Iureva vnuchka, a Vladislava zhena Kingdom of Middle 6/14/2008
Award of Arms Fredrich Smith Kingdom of Northshield 4/18/2009 Road to the Isle Xlll: 1349: We're Not Dead Yet! Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Cinamensen Kingdom of Northshield 4/18/2009 Road to the Isle Xlll: 1349: We're Not Dead Yet! Stephen and Ailleanne
Purple Fret Anastasiia Rusa Iureva vnuchka, a Vladislava zhena Kingdom of Middle 6/20/2009
Purple Fret Vladislav Siretescu Kingdom of Middle 6/20/2009
Award of Arms Seana - Minstrel Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Baylock of Dreibrucken Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Friedrich Wiedrich Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Lucrezia Dragonetti Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Palfrey, Award of the Arban Arslan Kingdom of Northshield 9/4/2010 Castel Rouge 40th Anniversary Feast and Celebration Tom and Sigrid
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