HE Lucretia Cathrine Cullip Shanks MacFarlane Ingeld HE Lucretia Cathrine Cullip Shanks MacFarlane Ingeld
Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Madoc ap Jones

Cygnus, Award of the

Cygnus, Award of the
Xanthippe Botaneiatissa

Brigits Flame, Order of

Brigits Flame, Order of
Valka Ragnarsdottir

Hand of Tyr, Order of the

Hand of Tyr, Order of the
Dauyd Straquhyn

Compass, Award of the

Compass, Award of the
Gunnar Njiallson

Pyxis, Order of the

Pyxis, Order of the
Claudine delaTour

Hand of Tyr, Order of the

Hand of Tyr, Order of the

Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort

Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort
Petranella Fitzallen of Weston

Court Baron/Baroness

Court Baron/Baroness
Bayard the Turner

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Bjørn Refskegg

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