Three knights of the Kingdom, Duncan, Siegfried, and Raito, begging the boon for Roisin's elevation to the chivalry Three knights of the Kingdom, Duncan, Siegfried, and Raito, begging the boon for Roisin's elevation to the chivalry
Court Baron/Baroness

Court Baron/Baroness
Kit Marik syn

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Síthmaith Eccnaidh

Augmentation of Arms

Augmentation of Arms
Jehanette de Provins


Jehanette de Provins

Griffin & Sword, Award of the

Griffin & Sword, Award of the
Yurei Inu

Griffin & Sword, Award of the

Griffin & Sword, Award of the
Wu Yun

Cygnus, Award of the

Cygnus, Award of the
Vedis Ọndurr

Cygnus, Award of the

Cygnus, Award of the
Ursus of Blackgate

Palfrey, Award of the

Palfrey, Award of the
Susanna Sparke of Cheshire

Cypher, Consort's

Cypher, Consort's
Refkell Melrakki Einarsson

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