Ailill MacBaird de Kermikal Ailill MacBaird de Kermikal
Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Arnora Osmund

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Uznik Okunnigr

Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the

Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the
Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine

Hearthstead, Award of the

Hearthstead, Award of the
Snow Dragon Inn

Hand of Tyr, Order of the

Hand of Tyr, Order of the
Sigríðr Ornólfrssdottir

Glove, Award of the

Glove, Award of the
Shane O'Donnell

Glove, Award of the

Glove, Award of the
Sebastian de Sandoval

Cygnus, Award of the

Cygnus, Award of the

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Ro'fhada Galbraith

Brigits Flame, Order of

Brigits Flame, Order of
Matilda The Less Innocent

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