Sitting at court Sitting at court
Mistig Waetru - Blazon: Per chevron azure and argent, in chevron five mullets of six points argent and a laurel wreath vert.

Shire of Mistig Waetru

Region: Woodlands
Based Near: Houghton  MI
Additional Info:
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Postal Address:
Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
February, 2005
Tropical Parad-ice VIII
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

April, 2005
Road to the Isle
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Houghton MI)

April, 2006
Road to the Isle
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Southrange MI)

September, 2006
Revel by the Lake V
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Baraga MI)

December, 2006
Shire of Mistig Waetru (South Range MI)

April, 2007
Road to the Isle- Scotland the Ba'a
Shire of Mistig Waetru (South Range MI)

April, 2008
Bardic Madness XVIII
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Phelps WI)

September, 2008
Revel by the Lake
Shire of Mistig Waetru (baraga MI)

April, 2009
Road to the Isle Xlll: 1349: We're Not Dead Yet!
Shire of Mistig Waetru (South Range MI)

September, 2009
Revel by the Lake
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Baraga MI)

April, 2010
Road to the Isle: Road to the Thingvollr
Shire of Mistig Waetru (South Range MI)

October, 2010
Danse Macabre: Dance Till You Drop!
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Hancock MI)

April, 2011
Camino a la Isla XV: May Your Swash Never Buckle!
Shire of Mistig Waetru (South Range MI)

April, 2013
Road to the Isle XVI: Return to the Isle!
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

April, 2014
Road to the Isle XVII
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

April, 2015
Road to the Isle XVIII: Überquerung des Rheins
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

April, 2016
Road to the Isle XIX
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Lake Linden MI)

April, 2017
Road to the Isle XX
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Lake Linden MI)

April, 2018
Road to the Isle XXI: 30th Anniversary Greatest Hits
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

April, 2019
Road to the Isle XXII: The Jorvik Adventure
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

September, 2019
Northshield Fall Coronation
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

April, 2020
Road to the Isle XXIII***CANCELLED **
Shire of Mistig Waetru (Calumet MI)

Officer Listing
Populace Listing
Populace Awards Listing
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Ulfin of Wyrmgeard Kingdom of Middle 9/30/1989
Dragon's Treasure Katie of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 9/10/1994
Purple Fret Ulfin of Wyrmgeard Kingdom of Middle 4/20/1996
Award of Arms Angharad verch Rhys Kingdom of Middle 11/21/1997
Award of Arms Elspeth of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 10/24/1998
Award of Arms Feargas of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 5/5/2001
Northern Cross Ulfin of Wyrmgeard Principality of Northshield 5/5/2001
Award of Arms Michael McCay Kingdom of Middle 2/2/2002
Award of Arms Michael McCay Kingdom of Middle 3/30/2002
Aegis Angharad verch Rhys Principality of Northshield 3/30/2002
Award of Arms Igor of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 9/4/2002
Iron Watch Michael McCay Principality of Northshield 9/7/2002
Award of Arms Villijusti of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 9/7/2002
Dragon's Heart Ulfin of Wyrmgeard Kingdom of Middle 12/14/2002
Willow Villijusti of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 2/15/2003
Northern Cross Ulfin of Wyrmgeard Principality of Northshield 5/3/2003
Award of Arms Faolan of Mistig Waetru Kingdom of Middle 5/8/2004
Award of Arms Zara Darazoroff Kingdom of Northshield 9/17/2005 Dancing, Heralds & Scribes, Oh My! - Northshield Heraldic and Scribal Symposium with Danse Macabre Æsa and Kitadate-tenno
Glove, Award of the Michael McCay Kingdom of Northshield 10/14/2006 Northshield Fall Crown Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Award of Arms Andrew Cornelius Kingdom of Northshield 1/10/2009 12th Night Æsa Drottning and Kitadate-tenno
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Territory Map
Shire of Mistig Waetru Territory Map
Postal Codes

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