Troops at Gulf Wars Troops at Gulf Wars

Kingdom Map

Kingdom of Ealdomere Kingdom of Middle Kingdom of Calontir Kingdom of Outlands Kingdom of Artemisia Principality of Avacal Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr Barony of Jararvellir Canton of Coille Stoirmeil Barony of Windhaven Shire of Darkstone Shire of Falcon's Keep Shire of Rokeclif Shire of Shattered Oak (Inactive) Shire of Skerjastrond Barony of Nordskogen Canton of Nordleigh Shire of Inner Sea Shire of Mare Amethystinum Shire of Rivenwood Tower Shire of Rockhaven Shire of Silfren Mere Shire of Vilku Urvas Barony of Castel Rouge Shire of Dreibrucken Shire of Border Downs Shire of Coldedernhale Shire of Korsväg Shire of Midewinde Shire of Noiregarde (inactive) Shire of Schattentor College of Svatý Sebesta Shire of Trewint
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