Semi-final bout at Crown, Fall 2007 Semi-final bout at Crown, Fall 2007
Northern Cross - Blazon: Northern Cross

Northern Cross (Total Presented: 191)

  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Aaron Martin Principality of Northshield
Aaron Martin Principality of Northshield
Able the Inadequate Principality of Northshield
Adela de Warren Principality of Northshield
Aelfgar Tawel ap Llewellyn Principality of Northshield
Alasdair Calum Montgomery Principality of Northshield
Alexander MacNichol Principality of Northshield
Alexander MacNichol Principality of Northshield
Alexandra der Wasserman Principality of Northshield
Alexandra der Wasserman Principality of Northshield
Alexandre Blackstone Principality of Northshield
Alice of Kent Principality of Northshield
Alissende de Montfaucon Principality of Northshield
Amuna Steelbender Principality of Northshield
Amytis de la Fontaine Principality of Northshield
Angela of Rockhaven Principality of Northshield
Anna z Pernstejna Principality of Northshield
Anne Geoffreys of Warwick Principality of Northshield
Arnbjørn Karlsson Principality of Northshield
Arnbjørn Karlsson Principality of Northshield
Arnora of Svaty Sebesta Principality of Northshield
Avacyn Gericsdottir Principality of Northshield
Ayla von Kirchen Principality of Northshield
Barbara Blackkettle Principality of Northshield
Beatta of Castel Rouge Principality of Northshield
Bethany Barrowsby Principality of Northshield
Bettina von Haschenfeld Principality of Northshield
Boniface of Border Downs Principality of Northshield
Boniface of Border Downs Principality of Northshield
Branwen ferch Arian Principality of Northshield
Bretton Daarkhorse Principality of Northshield
Brigid inghean Maoileoin Principality of Northshield
Brilliana Barrington Principality of Northshield
Bronislàva of the Shattered Seax Principality of Northshield
Bubba ap Elvis Principality of Northshield
Cairistiona MacRorie of Loch Sterness Principality of Northshield
Caitriona MacCormack Principality of Northshield
Caoilfhionn inghen Cheallaigh uí Mhórdha Principality of Northshield
Cassandra Antonelli Principality of Northshield
Cassandra Antonelli Principality of Northshield
Christian d'Hiver Principality of Northshield
Christiana de Avochelie Principality of Northshield
Cnut Ragnarsson Principality of Northshield
Conandil Glass Principality of Northshield
Conandil Glass Principality of Northshield
Connor Fiddis Wood Principality of Northshield
Cormaic Festiligambe Principality of Northshield
Cybele of Rowengrove Principality of Northshield
Cyveiliog McKinley Principality of Northshield
Dahrien Cordell Principality of Northshield
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