Three young ladies Three young ladies
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Abraam Samuel Ben Jucef Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Adalia Solario Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Aelfwine Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Laurel Aesa Olafskona Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Alexina Laskaris Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Pelican Alinore Wyndover Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Apolonia Wiktoria Różaska Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Armond le Charpentier Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Bearaich machArailt-oicc Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Caintigern Inghen Gaughan Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Caitinia Ingen Lochloinn Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Caitriona inghean Criomthainn Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Caius Angelus Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Cygnus, Award of the Calamus Schreiber Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Caoilfhionn inghean Mhaghnusa Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Ceara an Einigh Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Cecily of York Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Christiana Galyard de Caen Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Clydwyn Gwehydd Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Dalla Grimmsdottir Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Count/Countess Decimus Marius Tacitus Ajax Kingdom of Northshield Guenievre and Tom III
Augmentation of Arms Deonysia of Rye Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Augmentation of Arms Derbáil ingen Néill Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Chivalry Faolan Mac Brain Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Farolfus filius Richardi Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
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