Douglas of Yorke Douglas of Yorke
Chivalry - Blazon:

Chivalry (Total Presented: 43)

The Chivalry consists of two equal parts: Knighthood and Mastery of Arms. No one may belong to both parts of the order at one time. When a member is admitted to the Chivalry by the Sovereign, the choice of which part of the order to join is made by the new member. The candidate must be considered the equal of his or her prospective peers with the basic weapons of tournament combat. To become a Knight, the candidate must swear fealty to the Crown of his or her kingdom during the knighting ceremony. Masters of Arms may choose to swear fealty, but are not required to do so. Blazon: (Fieldless) A circular chain. (For the Order of Knighthood) (Fieldless) A white belt. (For the Order of Knighthood) (Fieldless) A white baldric. (For the Order of Mastery of Arms)|
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Alaric Sturmenluchs Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2006 Northshield Spring Coronation Lars I and Mary I
Alexander Hamstzhelm Kingdom of Northshield 8/10/2010 Pennsic War Tom and Sigrid
Amundr Raudbjorn "Amadon" Kingdom of Northshield 8/8/2019 Pennsic War 48 Konrad II and Aibhilin II
Ansila the Goth Kingdom of Northshield 1/19/2019 Nordskogen 12th Night Vladimir III and Petranella III
Armond le Charpentier Kingdom of Northshield 8/4/2014 Pennsic War 43 Siegfried IV and Elizabeth II
Dane Of Needham Kingdom of Northshield 6/12/2021 Elevation of Dane of Needham to Order of Chivalry Ciaran and Elis II
Decimus Marius Tacitus Ajax Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2015 Warriors and Warlords Tom II and Sigrid II
Dumal Ruithilcaraid Kingdom of Northshield 12/10/2005 Boar's Head Æsa and Kitadate-tenno
Edwin atte Bridge Kingdom of Northshield 1/4/2014 Nordskogen Twelfth Night Hrodir III and Anne II
Faolan Mac Brain Kingdom of Northshield 9/10/2022 Northshield Fall Coronation/Special Crown Tournament Ajax and Gaia
Frug Marchand Kingdom of Northshield 9/15/2024 Northshield Fall Coronation Hans II and Genevieve II
Gautier de Franqueuille Kingdom of Northshield 4/1/2023 Northshield Spring Coronation and Jararvellir's 50ish Anniversary ***DATE CHANGE*** Guenievre and Tom III
Geoffrey de la Brugge Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2016 Boar's Head: A Grand Tour of Europe Hrodir and Yehudah
Gunther KegSlayer Kingdom of Northshield 8/19/2005 Pennsic 34 Tarrach and Fina
Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan Kingdom of Northshield 8/27/2022 Poormans Pennsic 25: Silver Anniversary Ajax and Gaia
Hagan Kingdom of Northshield 9/10/2005 Northshield Fall Coronation Tarrach and Fina
Hanman Hebenstreit Kingdom of Northshield 6/17/2017 Thatsa Mare - "Cry Havoc!....." Konrad and Aibhilin
Hans Volsch Kingdom of Northshield 3/24/2018 Ides of March Kaydian and Cassandra
Helgi Moosebane Kingdom of Northshield 1/11/2020 Twelfth Night Jehanette
Herjolf Eilifsson Kingdom of Northshield 4/9/2016 Spring Coronation Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Hrodir Vigageirr Toreson Kingdom of Northshield 9/2/2006 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Crusades-Village Faire Lars I and Mary I
James Applegate Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2015 Warriors and Warlords Tom II and Sigrid II
Jean du MalChance Kingdom of Northshield 8/3/2014 Pennsic War 43 Siegfried IV and Elizabeth II
Jonns Gunnarson Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2015 Warriors and Warlords Tom II and Sigrid II
Kita Jiru Toramassa Kingdom of Northshield 2/8/2014 Stellar University of Northshield Hrodir III and Anne II
Murdoch McArthur Kingdom of Northshield 8/5/2012 Pennsic 41 Wulfgar and Devon
Nikolaas de Baas Kingdom of Northshield 4/14/2007 Northshield Spring Coronation Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Peter Joynar Kingdom of Northshield 1/10/2015 Nordskogen 40th Anniversary Twelfth Night Celebration Vladimir II and Petranella II
Refkell Melrakki Einarsson Kingdom of Northshield 1/13/2018 Twelfth Night on the Venetian Rialto: Where East meets West Kaydian and Cassandra
Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn Kingdom of Northshield 7/13/2018 Warlords and Warriors XXV Yngvar II and Luce II
Roisin igen Aillil Kingdom of Northshield 4/19/2008 Spring Coronation Hagan and Eilis
Seumas mac Brehon Kingdom of Northshield 1/7/2017 On the Silk Road - A Nordskogen Twelfth Night Hrodir and Yehudah
Skio inn ríki Kingdom of Northshield 5/14/2022 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Ajax and Gaia
Stephen du Bois Kingdom of Northshield 12/5/2009 Boar's Head 2009 Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Taion Orbanus Kingdom of Northshield 9/9/2017 Northshield Fall Coronation Konrad and Aibhilin
Theodweard l'Archier Kingdom of Northshield 2/20/2016 Lupercalia Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Togashi Ichiro Kingdom of Northshield 1/7/2017 On the Silk Road - A Nordskogen Twelfth Night Hrodir and Yehudah
Torsten Magnus Von Liechtenstien Kingdom of Northshield 4/10/2010 Spring Coronation Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Toyaoka Katsuo Kingdom of Northshield 4/13/2013 Spring Coronation Yngvar and Luce
Vladimir Radescu Kingdom of Northshield 2/19/2011 Tournament of Chivalry Hrodir II and Anne I
Wolfgar Von-Ostrand Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2009 Warriors and Warlords Stephen and Ailleanne
Yngvar inn Heppni Kingdom of Northshield 1/23/2010 Its Only a Flesh Wound Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Zadok ben Solomon ibn Alfakhar Kingdom of Northshield 2/8/2014 Stellar University of Northshield Hrodir III and Anne II

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