Karl von Thun Karl von Thun

12th Night and Baronial Investiture

Hosted by: Barony of Nordskogen

Start Date: 1/5/2013 Thru End Date: 1/5/2013 47
Lord of Life Church
14501 Nowthen Blvd NW
Ramsey MN 55303

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat

Nordskogen 12th Night and Baronial Investiture

Activities: Bard of Nordskogen competition, A&S competition, Raffle, The Warwick Consort

Yule Feast:

The feast is different than any other you have ever had. The feast is a BASKET of tasty gifts presented to your entire table. The basket will include:
  1. Bread, butters and toppings
  2. Sausage and cheese
  3. Roast chicken
  4. Vegetable stew
  5. Candies and sweets
  6. Sauces and delights
  7. Fruit pie and Mincemeat pie
  8. And possibly more!
The price is $80 per basket and additional chickens are available for $7.50 extra per chicken. Feast is limited to 20 baskets. A basket is designed to serve 6-8 people.

There is ample off-board seating available. Sit with your friends, even if they are not sharing your feast basket. Please feel free to supplement your basket with items from home.

Feast is only available by pre-registering. Please send your $80 feast pre-reg to:

Salli Weston (Petranella)
2650 Western Avenue
Roseville, MN 55113

Event Stewards:

Countess Petranella – vlad.petranella@gmail.com
Freiin Ivetta – ladyivetta@gmail.com

Tentative schedule:

10 AM Morning Court
12 Noon Lunch

Afternoon Court at TRM discretion
6:30 PM Feast

Site Fees:

Adults $10 (+ applicable NMS)
Students w/ ID $5 (+ applicable NMS)
Minor $5
Family Cap $30 (+ applicable NMS)
Non-Member Surcharge $5

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