Sir Leif Haakonson Sir Leif Haakonson
Border Downs - Blazon: Vert, a laurel wreath between four horse's heads couped in cross Or

Shire of Border Downs

Region: Plains
Based Near: Sioux Falls  SD
Additional Info:
Primary Contact: Sandon Sharpe
(Eadmund sweordhwíta)
Postal Address: Address Hidden
Phone: (605) 360-9921
Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
September, 2004
Armorgeddon XIV
Shire of Border Downs (Beresford SD)

June, 2005
Mad Dogs
Shire of Border Downs (Baltic SD)

December, 2005
Yuletide Revel
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

June, 2006
Mad Dogs 2005
Shire of Border Downs (Baltic SD)

January, 2007
Yuletide Revel
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

June, 2007
Mad Dogs
Shire of Border Downs (Parker SD)

December, 2007
Yule Tide
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

June, 2008
Mad Dogs
Shire of Border Downs (Parker SD)

December, 2008
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

June, 2009
Bardic Madness XIX
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

July, 2009
MadDogs and Englishmen
Shire of Border Downs (Parker SD)

December, 2009
Yuletide Revel
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

July, 2010
Regional Fighters Practice
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

August, 2010
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Shire of Border Downs (Beresford, SD)

December, 2010
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

August, 2011
Hadrian's Feld -- CANCELLED
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

June, 2012
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

September, 2012
Hadrian's Feld and Northshield Rapier Academy
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

June, 2013
Mad Dogs & Englishmen
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

October, 2014
Hadrian's Feld
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

September, 2015
Fall Coronation
Shire of Border Downs (Rushmore MN)

September, 2016
Northshield Fall Coronation
Shire of Border Downs (Yankton SD)

Hadrian's Feld
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

August, 2017
Hadrians Feld
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

October, 2017
Tournament of Chivalry (TOC)
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

August, 2018
Hadrians Feld
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

August, 2019
Hadrians Feld
Shire of Border Downs (Adrian MN)

May, 2022
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

October, 2023
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls SD)

April, 2024
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE**
Shire of Border Downs (Sioux Falls, SD)

Officer Listing
Office Name Persona Name Modern Name Email Term
Archery Marshal Decimus Marius Tacitus Ajax Tyler Neal Login to view 16 Months
Armored Combat Marshal Rigmar Bjornsen alexander Login to view 39 Months
Chatelaine Dauid the Restful Justin Ross Login to view 107 Months
Emergency Deputy Exchequer Ruadnat Ruad ingen ui Briain Amy Nease Login to view 106 Months
Exchequer Dauid the Restful Justin Ross Login to view 70 Months
Rapier Combat Marshal Eadmund sweordhwíta Sandon Sharpe Login to view 45 Months
Seneschal Eadmund sweordhwíta Sandon Sharpe Login to view 40 Months
Webminister Dauid the Restful Justin Ross Login to view 120 Months
Populace Listing
Populace Awards Listing
Territory Map
Shire of Border Downs Territory Map
Postal Codes
57001 , 57003 , 57004 , 57005 , 57010 , 57012 , 57013 , 57014 , 57015 , 57016 , 57017 , 57018 , 57020 , 57021 , 57022 , 57024 , 57025 , 57027 , 57028 , 57029 , 57030 , 57031 , 57032 , 57033 , 57034 , 57035 , 57036 , 57037 , 57038 , 57039 , 57040 , 57041 , 57042 , 57043 , 57044 , 57045 , 57046 , 57047 , 57048 , 57049 , 57050 , 57052 , 57053 , 57054 , 57055 , 57056 , 57057 , 57058 , 57059 , 57062 , 57063 , 57064 , 57065 , 57066 , 57067 , 57068 , 57070 , 57072 , 57073 , 57075 , 57076 , 57077 , 57078 , 57079 , 57101 , 57103 , 57104 , 57105 , 57106 , 57107 , 57108 , 57109 , 57110 , 57117 , 57118 , 57186 , 57188 , 57189 , 57192 , 57193 , 57194 , 57195 , 57196 , 57197 , 57198 , 57311 , 57313 , 57315 , 57319 , 57328 , 57329 , 57330 , 57331 , 57332 , 57340 , 57342 , 57344 , 57354 , 57356 , 57361 , 57364 , 57366 , 57367 , 57369 , 57374 , 57376 , 57380
Alcester , Alexandria , Armour , Avon , Baltic , Beresford , Brandon , Bridgewater , Burbank , Canistota , Canton , Centerville , Chancellor , Chester , Colman , Colton , Corsica , Crooks , Dante , Davis , Dell Rapids , Delmont , Dimock , Egan , Elk Point , Emery , Fairview , Flandreau , Freeman , Fulton , Garretson , Gayville , Geddes , Harrisburg , Harrison , Hartford , Hudson , Humboldt , Hurley , Irene , Jefferson , Kaylor , Lake Andes , Lennox , Lesterville , Lyons , Madison , Marion , Marty , Meckling , Menno , Mission Hill , Monroe , Montrose , New Holland , North Sioux City , Nunda , Olivet , Parker , Parkston , Pickstown , Platte , Ramona , Renner , Rowena , Rutland , Salem , Scotland , Sioux Falls , Spencer , Springfield , Tabor , Tea , Trent , Tripp , Tyndall , Utica , Valley Springs , Viborg , Volin , Wagner , Wakonda , Wentworth , Winfred , Worthing , Yankton

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