Ailill MacBaird de Kermikal Ailill MacBaird de Kermikal

Spring Crown Requirments

Unto the great people of Northshield do We, Hans and Genevieve send greetings. We have come up with the rules and requirements for this upcoming Spring Crown Tournament. The tournament will be to bring your best weapon, double elimination with bouts being best 2 out of 3 fights. The finals will reset with that also being best 2 out of 3. Double "kills" throughout the tournament will be refought.
Weapon requirements for Crown will be thus. No "butt spike" on single-handed swords. You can keep them on your single-handed sword but any strikes with them will not count. No weapon shall exceed 6 feet in length, no throwing weapons, no combat archery, and no daggers.
Letters of Intent are due on Saturday April 13, 2024 by 11:59pm. They shall be emailed to and This letter should provide evidence of fulfillment of any requirements for entrance by the prospective combatant and consort and outline their involvement in diverse areas of the SCA.
Per Kingdom Law III-900:
All prospective combatants and their consorts must meet the minimum criteria in the Governing Documents, as well as the following requirements:
1. Each must have been a subject of Northshield for one year immediately before the Crown Tournament.
2. Each must be a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism and have access to the Northwatch.
3. All prospective combatants and their consorts must be acceptable to the Presiding Royalty.
4. No one under 18 years old may fight or be fought for in a Crown Tournament.
5. No member of the Royalty may either fight or be fought for in a Crown Tournament.
6. One member of the couple must also affirm that they can and will maintain the ability to legally cross the U.S./Canadian international border for the duration of their reign, should they be victorious, to ensure that they are free to travel to all parts of the Kingdom. This means that any who fight in Crown must have one member of the pair that can cross the international border legally. This includes but is not limited to them being vaccinated per the mundane laws in place and not having a felony, OWI, DWI, etc.
7. All prospective combatants must hold a valid Northshield Armored Combat authorization card. If the combatant does not hold all authorizations that will be used in the tournament, the Crown has the sole discretion as to how and whether they will allow that combatant to participate.
By choosing to fight in Crown they have agreed to these terms and attested that they do indeed meet all the requirements and that at least one of them can legally cross the border to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Hans and Genevieve

Posted by: Hans Volsch Prince on 1/6/2024

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