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Her Royal Highness Genevieve's Princess Sleeve Tournament

Greetings Northshield,
I am very excited to announce the Princess sleeve tournament details! We will be hosting the tournament at Nordskogen 12th
Night 01/13/23. The sleeve will be a double elimination style tournament starting promptly at 10am. We have a tight schedule at 12th Night, and this allows you the most time to put on a fantastic display. To make the 
 tournament more interesting I am requesting that prior to each bout, combatants roll a 6 sided dice to determine the fighting style each combatant will take on the field! ALSO! I would ask that you bring along your best stuffed animal plushy representing your favorite Manuscript Marginalia creatures.  These will be used when a non rigid parry is rolled.  I would encourage creativity here(bonus points for murder bunnies)
I can’t wait to see you all there.

Her Royal Highness
Princess Genevieve

Posted by: Genevieve MacArtne Princess on 11/29/2023

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