A boy and his axe (Agnarr Bjarnarson) A boy and his axe (Agnarr Bjarnarson)

PayPal Information

PayPal for Events
? Using PayPal for Pre Registration offers attendees an easy, flexible way to prepay for
events. It’s easy to set up and use. The Kingdom PayPal deputy will guide you through
the whole process.
? It’s preferable to contact the Kingdom PayPal Deputy prior to submitting your event to
the Kingdom Calendar and as part of your event budget planning.
? The Kingdom PayPal Deputy can help you with pre registration open/close, pre
registration forms and a link to the form for your event ad and help you budget for
PayPal fees.
? If you’re not able to contact the PayPal Deputy prior to submitting to the calendar or
decide later that you’d like to use PayPal, contact the PayPal Deputy at least 60 days
before pre registration opens.
? The PayPal Deputy has pre registration templates and worksheets that can be
customized for your event.
? The Kingdom PayPal Policy can be found here.
? The PayPal Deputy email is: PayPal@northshield.org .

Posted by: Nell the Innocent Paypal Deputy (KLO) on 1/1/1900

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