Elizabeth and Siegfried Elizabeth and Siegfried

February Missive

A missive from the Kingdom A&S Event Deputy:

Greetings, Northshield!

I am very happy to announce that we will have a Kingdom Arts & Science Faire Competition on February 19, 2022, in Korsvag! We hope you can join us for a day of A&S displays, competition and learning about a broad spectrum of medieval topics.

If you haven't been to one of these events before, let me tell you a bit about what happens if you bring a project to enter in the competition.

1. After arriving at the event and going through Gate, find me, your friendly neighborhood A&S Event Deputy, to get table and judging time assignments.
2. Each entrant is given half of an eight-foot-long table to display their project, documentation, and any other supporting information/materials. After you get set up, it would be great if you could spend at least part of the day with your entry so you can share it with other event attendees. Please bring three copies of your written documentation so each of your judges can have one to look at.
3. At your designated time, a small team of judges (usually two to three) will come to your table to look at your entry and documentation. They have a matrix of criteria to consider, and will probably have some questions about your project. This is a good time to include additional information that may have been missed/forgotten in your written documentation. This really should be a discussion and a time for everyone involved to share ideas and information. These sessions are scheduled for an hour, but they may not last the entire time.

4. Your team of judges may excuse themselves after your discussion to fill out the judging forms.

5. Judging forms will be available for entrants to pick up at the Kingdom A&S Event Deputy table before Court.

6. The top three scoring entries will be recognized in Court.

Please consider entering the competition, even if you've never entered one before! There is a wonderful handbook on the website (http://northshield.org/Resources/PDF/MOAS/Kingdom_of_Northshield_Arts_&_Sciences_Event_Entrants_%20handbook_2021.pdf) to help explain the divisions, categories and the judging criteria. If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me (kased@northshield.org).

I not only need folks to enter a project to make this a successful event, but I will also need judges. Please reach out to me if you are interested in taking on either (or both!) roles!

Anpliça Fiore

Other missives from the Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences
Posted by: Berenice Calvina Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences on 1/19/2022

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