Lilith of Rolling Oaks and Arabella Nicola Giovanni Lilith of Rolling Oaks and Arabella Nicola Giovanni

March 2011 Northwatch Missive

Marshal all peoples of our great Kingdom Northshield, for we,Hrodir and Anne, lead you to WAR!

Let it be known that in this month of March we travel southto join with our Cousins of Trimaris and take arms against all others at Gulf WarsXX. We charge you this day to bring war harness, blades, and all manner of war-likegear and join our battle to take down all those who oppose the rights of ourcousins and hinder the word-fame and honor of the great Northshield.

To those free men, women and thralls left behind: Stand firmand rally to our borders and keep our homes safe and lit well, so when wejourney home in glory we can follow the light of Northshield and be backamongst our dear family of the North.

What makes the journey worth the trip is the journey home. Itwill be good to stretch our muscles and join in battle with our friends. In theend we will look back north towards home and will hear the songs of the bardscalling us back. We will follow the Northern Star to the warmth of the homesthat lie in Northshield, for the spring will soon follow. The flowers willbloom, the grass will turn green, and the sun will calm the fury of the StormKing. The King will rest as the days grow longer, knowing that all is good withNorthshield.

Love to all that is Northshield,




Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Hrodir II and Anne I Their Royal Majesties on 3/1/2011

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