Master Fiskr Hammondson takes Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for a ride on his mighty stead Master Fiskr Hammondson takes Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for a ride on his mighty stead

September 2010 Northwatch Missive

Unto the good people of Northshield, fondgreetings of farewell,


These last few months have been one ofthe greatest pleasures of our lives. We have traveled far andwide, met new friends and taken the field beside old. We have beenshown all the best of this great land, and though we are sad tobe leaving the thrones, we feel confident that our Heirs will showyou all the same love and respect that we have shown, andwill receive the same in return-as we have.


We could never have accomplished this onour own. Our Chamberlain, Lady Una, and her lord, THL Toramassa, havebeen stalwart companions and the best organizers we couldhave asked for. Mistress Seonaid has offered her time and assistanceunstintingly, as has Lady Eua. Countess Gwyneth has given us counsel andaided behind-the-scenes. 


We thank the people who organizedfundraising; those who accompanied us at events; and those whotraveled to Pennsic and Gulf Wars with us, and made the glory ofNorthshield real for every one. You make us proud. To everyone not mentioned byname, but who gave their time, effort, and energy to assist during our time onthe Griffin thrones, know thatwe do appreciate it, and thank you.

We remain, in your service


Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Majesties on 9/1/2010

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