How to amuse Royalty!?! How to amuse Royalty!?!

August 2010 Northwatch Missive

Northshield! To War!

Shortly, We will be gathering on the fieldsin Æthelmearc with our friends and allies to share in the marvel that isPennsic. We look forward to leading our Northshield war-host into battle withsword, spear or arrow, and sharing food and drink when the battles are done.

Many wonderful events have passed, and Wehave traveled the breadth and width of the kingdom, from Mare Amethystinum forThatsa Mare to Midewinde for Moorish Tavern. These events again showed thehospitality and grace that is Northshield. WW has passed, and proved again thewonder that can happen when people work together. We thank you all for yourefforts over the summer.

We would ask you to remember to look aroundyou for those nearby who are deserving of Royal recognition. Recommendationsare always welcome, though we ask whenever possible that you send us yourrecommendations at least three weeks in advance, to give our scribes time tocreate scrolls. Please also be sure to note the person's home group, as well asany upcoming events you know they will be attending.

Being your Crown is an honor and privilege,and we thank you for that. We remain

In your service,

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Majesties on 8/1/2010

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