Lyulf Angus MacDougall Lyulf Angus MacDougall

April 2010 Northwatch Missive

Greetings unto Northshield!


This month we have the privilege of becoming the 12th Crown of Northshield.  We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Their Majesties Siegfried and Elizabeth for their guidance and care of the Kingdom over these winter months, and we wish them all of the joy in the world as they experience the life change they are embarking upon.


We remind all of you that Letters of Intent for our Crown Tourney are due no later than Coronation; please see last month's Northwatch letter or our website for details.


Wea re currently preparing for War, and we are certain that Gulf Wars will be full of the same excitement and joy that we have experienced in the past.  We look forward to sharing this with all of you.


We would like to thank everyone for their wonderful and heartfelt assistance thus far.  We look forward to ascending the Griffin Throne, and seeing even more of you in the months to come.  We remain


In Your Service,


Tom and Sigrid

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Highnesses on 4/1/2010

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