HE Ed the Tall HE Ed the Tall

2010 February Northwatch Missive

Greetings to Northshield this Snowy February!

As we write this we look forward to attending 12th Night in Nordskogen, andIt's Only a Flesh Wound in Jararvellir. We are certain both of theseevents will be as wonderful and full of fun as we expect, and we thank thepeople who work so hard to make them occur. This month holds the pleasuresof Fighter's School in Jararvellir, and Lupercalia in
Rivenwood Tower. Weare looking forward to visiting both of these places.

Gulf Wars is coming upon us, and Her Highness looks forward to attending withthose who will rally to support the Griffin Army. Be sure to bring yourKingdom colors to show the Known World your pride in our homeland, and theforce of our martial might. Online pre-registration will end on February 18th. Moreinformation can be found at www.gulfwars.org

On the subject of War, we announced at Boar's Head that the Kingdom will allywith The Middle Kingdom for next year's Pennsic War. We are pleased and proud totake up arms with our former brothers of the Midrealm, and we hope that as manyas possible of you will join us there.

As always, we thank those of you who have assisted us thus far during our timeas Prince and Princess, and look forward to the future.

Tom and Sigrid.

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Highnesses on 2/1/2010

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