Master Friedrich von Augsburg Master Friedrich von Augsburg

March 2010 Northwatch Missive

From Tom and Sigrid Stellar Prince and Princess,

Greetings unto the Mighty Populace of Northshield;

As March comes upon us, we look forward with great joy to joining the KnownWorld in Gleann Abhann at Gulf Wars.  We are always proud of our Kingdom,and taking the field with the Army pleases us greatly.   

We had an excellent time at Twelfth Night, and at the magnificent event ofFlesh Wound, and found great fighting amongst all that were there.

We are pleased to announce our Coronation is quickly coming upon us on April10th in the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr, and we are enthusiastic to see all whocan attend.

By custom and law, the Prince and Princess of Northshield must devise andhold a tournament to decide Their Heirs. Accordingly, Our Crown Tournament willbe held in the Shire of Dreibrucken on May 8th 2010 . The format is as follows:

Straight double elimination tourney. Each round will be one fight-bring yourbest weapon..
Tree will be set by random draw at crown during the morning court.
Semi-finals will be loser bracket fighter has to win twice, winners bracketfighter needs to win once. Finals will be straight 2 out 3 - bring your bestweapon for each round.
No weapons of war, meaning: No weapon may exceed 6 feet in length. Shields willbe only so tall that the user can comfortably stand over it and shall be nowider than the distance from the top of the shoulder to the tip of the fingerof the user.
Letters of Intent. We would ask that letters of intent be sent to Us and to theKingdom Seneschal, postmarked no later than the occasion of OurCoronation.  They can be delivered in person that day, but it must beprior to evening Court.  Along with your letter, please include proof ofage and all relevant contact information (modern name, address, phone, andemail at least).  The remainder of the documentation requirements: proofof membership, proof of authorization, and proof of access to the Northwatchwill be confirmed at Crown by the appropriate officer.

Appearance Requirements. We would ask that combatants refrain from wearingmodern athletic footwear unless it is reasonably covered.  Make make yourbest effort-you are fighting for the Crown of Northshield.  We would alsoask that you make a reasonable attempt to cover any armor blatantly appearing tobe made of non-period materials, such as plastic. Please cover modern sportslogos/printing on any equipment.

Morning court will be held promptly at 10 am. Any fighters not checked in by this point will not be allowed to fight in CrownTournament.  Crown Tourney will begin as soon as morning court iscomplete.

After the Crown Tournament is over, the list field will be opened to atourney for any heavy fighters who wish to partake.  The tourney willstill be focused on your inspirations.  Pickups will also be held as timeallows.  

We would like to thank all of you who worked at the gate at an event; cookedfeast; set-up or cleaned up a site; were an officer or marshal for your group-- in short, thank you to everyone who worked in order that the rest of usmight enjoy our time in the Society.  We remain

In service to the Populace of Northshield,

Tom and Sigrid.

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Highnesses on 3/1/2010

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