Patrice of Rivenwood Tower Patrice of Rivenwood Tower

September Missive


As you read this, Pennsic will have just ended. I hope that many of you were able to attend Pennsic University and I look forward to hearing about the knowledge you’ve acquired. The days now turn to autumn and times gathered around warm fires, sharing our love of all of the arts and sciences. Coming up is The Griffin Needle Challenge on September 21-22, 2018. If you’re energized by a full night and day of sewing, this event is for you. Also, the SUN Chancellor is still seeking teachers for Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) on November 10-11, 2018. The form to sign up is at

I am looking for a group to host the next Northshield Arts & Sciences Competition and Faire on or around the second weekend of February 2019. The best site would have these features:
• a large but non-acoustically live space or several smaller rooms for displays
• a large space for populace
• additional small rooms for the judges’ room and a royal room
• space for court (can be the display space)
• space where a lunch can be provided onsite (can be the populace space)

Bid specifications are on the Northshield website at Bids are due September 5, 2018. If your group might be interested in holding this event, please let me know in advance as I can provide more details.

Thank you!

In Service,

Other missives from the Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences
Posted by: Annetje van Leuven Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences on 8/14/2018

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