Greetings, Northshield,
This February, a wintery day was made festive by the occasion of the Northshield Kingdom A&S Competition in the Barony of Jararvellir. Participants traveled from across the kingdom to share knowledge about their interests with one another. Twenty-three entries made tangible in sight and scent were on display. Entrants and additional judges helped evaluate one another’s work. Thanks to all for their many efforts. Special mention goes to those entrants who achieved the highest marks in their respective divisions: Sirin of Jararvellir made scroll blanks, one for each letter of the alphabet (Decorative Arts division); Isabelle Montfort Du Bretagne made an early 15th-century houppelande (Costuming and Fiber Arts division); Sarangerel of the Steppes made a Mongol stew (Domestic Arts and Sciences division); Leona Talbot made a reproduction of an Iznik tile (Pyrotechnology division); Jehanette de Provins made a period roll of arms (Courtly Arts and Research division); Amytis de la Fontaine made a portrait, a wood-burnt game, and an Elizabethan sweet bag (Triathlon).
Many thanks also go to the Barony for hosting, especially to Winifred of Jararvellir as event steward, Marian Elizabeth Wollenschlager as lunch steward, and to all the volunteers who made this event happen.
Speaking of events, bids are currently requested for this year’s Stellar University of Northshield (SUN), to be held November 10, 2018. The ideal site would have space for populace and Crown along with several rooms to be used for classes. Putting on a lunch is optional. Please submit bids to the SUN chancellor, Berenice Calvina, at The deadline is May 1, 2018.
In Service, Annetje