January 2010 Northwatch Missive

Unto the Children of the Griffin, Greetings andSalutations from Tom and Sigrid, Prince and Princess of these lands-


Winter is upon us, and we hope that each ofyou is finding a warm hearth and loving friends with which to spend the cold,dark nights.


We enjoyed our travels to the Tournament ofChivalry and the feast of Boar’s Head. His Highness was pleased to have theopportunity to take arms with those with whom he doesn’t get to sparfrequently. The Princess’ Sleeve tourney was a joy to behold; the enthusiasm ofthe participants was infectious, and spread to all who watched. Michael St.Christian was chosen as the Princess’ sleeve winner based on his prowess on thefield and his comportment during the tournament. The array of classes andartisan displays at the Stellar University was a delight tosee.


This month we look forward to journeying toNordskogen for Twelfth Night, and partaking in some of the gentler arts. Lestour martial arts lay dormant in the winter months however, Prince Tom willtravel to the lands of Calontir with some of the Griffin Army for their WinterWar Maneuvers, and we will attend It’s Only a Flesh Wound.


A quick reminder that the online pre-registrationfor Gulf Wars will end on February 18th. We know that many Northshielders enjoythis event in Gleann Abhann in the spring, and we want all who desire it thechance to pre-register.


We are thankful for those who work to makeevents possible for all of us, and for those who have given their time andeffort to host and help us thus far. We anticipate the upcoming months withpleasure.


Tom and Sigrid

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Highnesses on 1/1/2010

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