Crest known as "Merv" Crest known as "Merv"

December 2009 Northwatch Missive

Unto the People of Northshield, Greetings!


As the trees change their leaves, and the winter windsbegin to blow, we find ourselves in the wondrous (and a bit daunting!) positionof being Heirs to the throne of our fair Kingdom. Our gratitude goes to Their Majestiesfor giving us, and all those who contended that day, this opportunity to servethe Kingdom. To the Barony of Windhaven, our deepest thanks for hosting theevent that provided such a wonderful setting for the tournament.


We were pleased to attend the Griffin’s Needle Challenge, and salutethe skill and fortitude shown by those who planned for and participated in theevent. Spending twenty-four hours straight creating beautiful clothing takesdedication. We were glad to have been a part of it.


We look forward this month to Boar’s Head, where PrincessSigrid will be holding her Princess’ Sleeve tourney. She invites all those whowish to participate to join her in this celebration of skill and pageantry, andshe looks forward to seeing the flower of Northshield’s Rapier fighters uponthe field that day. The tourney format will depend on the number ofparticipants, so be prepared for anything!


Boar’s Head also marks the beginning of the winterholiday season, and the thought of celebrating with friends and family gladdensus.


The upcoming months will bring Twelfth Night, and thechance again to rejoice with our loved ones. Less we forget Gulf Wars loomingjust around the corner, we will be honing our martial skills at It’s Only aFlesh Wound, and we hope to see many of the Griffin Host at this ChivalryInvitational event.


As your hearth fires warm you through these wintermonths, we remain in service to their Majesties and the Kingdom.


Tomand Sigrid

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Tom and Sigrid Their Royal Highnesses on 12/1/2009

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