A Royal Kiss A Royal Kiss

January Missive

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have been able to spend time with your friends and family over this holiday season, and brought the New Year in with a Bang! We have a few things to bring up, however first — some “Thank You”s!

Boar’s Head staff and volunteers — Thank you for taking the time to help with the site set up and clean up, feast was great, and a special mention to the Royalty Room Liaison who made sure everything was wonderfully organized and put together. It was absolutely great how you were able to meet all of the needs throughout the day.

Shire of Silfren Mere — For being flexible and agreeing to have the Sleeve within the Shire boundaries. There are a lot of people that I would like extend my gratitude to; however I know there is only so big of a page, so I have a few special mentions. Master Gevehard for pulling together a site and all the details so quickly for the Princess Sleeve and the encouragement to get ready for the Sleeve. Mistress Deja/Her Excellency Leona/Dame Sibyl for taking time to assist with making sure my armor was good to fight in. Lady Giulia Di Grazia and team, thank you for all your work on the tokens for the fighters. Honorable Lord Ahlwin/ His Excellency Robert/Master Edward/Master Tomas for assistance in getting all the details worked out with the format of the tournament over the last few years. With all of you together, I was able to accomplish a goal that I’ve been plotting and planning for a few years now (actually after we completed our first reign). I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

As we dive into 2018, there are a few things that I would like to bring to light as we get closer to our coronation. We love to see all the uniquely crafted awards that are given out at court! However we also understand that it takes time for these items to be completed and want to make sure the scribes have enough time to complete these awards. We are asking the populace to please update your profile on the Northshield website with your prospective events. This helps others submit awards easier. Second, please put in recommendations for awards at least six weeks in advance. We know that it sounds like a long time out, but we would like to try our best to give our scribes a month’s notice of our court lists so those lovely pieces of art have enough time to be completed. Third, thank a Scribe! If you get an award and are able to please Reach out to them and say thank you for their skill and their time that is put into these awards.

We have a full schedule over the next few months and are looking forward to seeing everyone! Please take care and be safe this winter.

Luce and Yngvar

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Yngvar II and Luce II Their Royal Highnesses on 12/22/2017

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