Duchess Eleanor de Bolton Duchess Eleanor de Bolton

A PSA From Their Majesties

~A PSA from their Majesties~

Our Society has become more and more linked to the online world, and in today’s day and age that is unavoidable if we want to remain relevant. We encourage you all to make an online profile,  encourage newcomers and friends to make profiles as well. Some people dislike social media; that is fine, but some of the tools are very helpful in organizing events and activities in the SCA. Please consider making an account if only to stay in touch with the part of the SCA you find most engaging (fighting, arts, partying, etc.). Lastly, for those groups that have a web page or have an online presence, remember that your page may be the first contact many people have with the SCA.  Think back to when you were in your twenties and try to envision what kind of webpage would have interested you the most. Trust me, the person who is fanatically interested in period basket weaving is still going to find you, but that college kid is only going to give us a shot if we sell them on “fun” as someone their age would see it.

Konrad And Aibhilin

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Konrad and Aibhilin Their Royal Majesties on 4/18/2017

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