Mistress Rosanore of Redthorn Mistress Rosanore of Redthorn

May Missive

From Their Royal Majesties

Greetings, Northshield!

We look out at the rich and fertile lands of our fair kingdom and rejoice, for our people are skillful, clever, and productive. The spring crops grow and the children play, but there are those who would threaten our great prosperity. The East and Middle Kingdoms have ended their ceaseless squabbling and have united to threaten the Known World. Joined by Ealdormere, they seek to conquer lands far and wide and bring our people under their harsh rule. We traveled to the East and sought a peaceful solution to this threat and were rebuked for our efforts, but we will not stand as idle prey! This spring and summer we will journey far and wide throughout the Kingdom to see to the Kingdom’s readiness for war. The armies of Northshield have always been a feared foe upon the field, but never before has our homeland been threatened like this. We shall rise up like a wave of destruction, and those who would threaten our good people will learn the price of their greed.

Konrad And Aibhilin

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Konrad and Aibhilin Their Royal Majesties on 4/18/2017

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