Young archer Young archer

August 2008 Northwatch Missive

Greetings Citizens of Northshield,

We would like to thank all of Our fine people who are braving the heat, and fuel prices to travel with us to the Pennsic War this month. From current counts, it appears we will be slightly outnumbered on the heavy field. It will be time to put to use all of the tactics and maneuvers that we have been working on all summer long.

We would also like to thank the staff of Warriors and Warlords. We understand that even more hard work and effort went into the event this year than usual, but I think I speak for the entire Kingdom when I say that it was worth it. Thank you all, the weekend was wonderful.

Last, We would like to send our congratulations to Lance of Windhaven. For those of you who are unaware, We placed Lance on vigil for the Order of the Pelican! His elevation will occur at the Pennsic War at Our court in Northshield camp on Wednesday of war week at 4pm.  Lance has been a tremendous asset to this fine Kingdom, and his elevation is very well deserved.

In Service,

Lars II and Mary II

8th Crown of Northshield

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Lars II and Mary II Their Royal Majesties on 8/1/2008

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