Heregyth Ketilsdottir spinning a tale Heregyth Ketilsdottir spinning a tale

July 2008 Northwatch Missive

Greetings People of Northshield,

Summer is now in full swing. We have met and tested ourselves against Our friends from all of Our borders. A good time was had by all and that is the most important part of a ‘war’. We would like to once again thank everyone who put in time and effort to host such fun events. We also send a special thanks to the Village of Blachemere who hosted Our TOC and all who attended, for those who missed it, not only was there a record number of Knights and unbelts, the Village created an atmosphere worthy of a painting with beautiful viewing stand and banners.

War season is moving fast, and Pennsic quickly approaches. WW gives us a final opportunity to come together in a major engagement and practice our skills as an army. In addition, there are a multitude of activities outside the armored arena that We encourage people to come and try their hand at, as well as some late night revelry.

Finally, We’d like to mention an event in the not-too distant future that the Ladies of the Rose and Persephone’s Circle have been working hard on, The Rose Tourney. Currently scheduled for late September, this event promises a great deal of competition, as well as a lot of pageantry. It is Our hope that this event will be well attended, so that the hard work of the former consorts is realized.

Lars II and Mary II

8th Crown of Northshield

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Lars II and Mary II Their Royal Majesties on 7/1/2008

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