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06-2008 Northwatch Missive

Greetings Good Citizens of Northshield,

We hope this missives finds you all well as the summer starts in earnest. As We have mentioned in missives past, this is the season for War. We have met our friends Calontir at Ages of War in friendly war games and we face the Midrealm at both Border Skirmish and at the Great Pennsic War. We will show how well the Son of the Dragon has learned from its parent. 

The Griffin Army has matured over the past 8 reigns and We are continuing the fine example of our predecessors and seeking to advance the fame of Northshield. We have named Duke Tarrach as Our warlord and we are certain that he will do an admirable job in this position. 

Lord Toramassa of Our Royal Guard has been busy perfecting a doctrine of melee that we have posted on Our website and the Northshield Site. This document does an excellent job of taking modern military principles and applying them to the game we play. Please take a moment to review it, and learn the precepts therein.

The army is not just the fighters on the field; it is also the water bearers, marshals, and all those behind the scenes that make the event possible. We recognize all those who have served in the past and encourage others to participate in whatever way possible, Northshield’s “One Kingdom, One Army” includes all and We will do whatever we can to foster each area, please let us know if you see a way we can aid.

Finally, while we speak largely of War, We must take time to recognize and thank all the artisans that have contributed to displays and to those who seek to make events beautiful with period pavilions and banners and pennants.  The atmosphere created by those who truly seek to recreate the middle ages down to the smallest detail is unparalleled by any we have seen in the Known World.

We are inspired and honored to lead Northshield both on and off the field.

Lars II and Mary II

8th Crown of Northshield

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Lars II and Mary II Their Royal Majesties on 5/18/2008

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