Duchess Eleanor de Bolton Duchess Eleanor de Bolton

Northshield Exchequer FAQ

  1. I'm the NEW Exchequer for my branch - What do I do?
  2. I'm the Exchequer for my branch - What do I do?
  3. When and How do I file my Reports?
  4. My branch is hosting an event - What do I do?
  5. What are the Wisconsin rules for events and merchants?
  6. What are the North Dakota rules for events and merchants?
  7. I misplaced my Northwatch. Where can I read your missives?
  8. How do I donate money to Northshield?
  9. How do I donate money to the Kingdom Newsletter?
  10. Tell me about the $1 per head Northshield Fundraiser fee
  11. How do I record a deposit for site use?
  12. Minors and the Non-Member Surcharge (NMS)
  13. Can I issue a reimbursement without a receipt?
  14. My group is sponsoring an incipient branch - What do I do?
  15. I have another question that isn't in this FAQ

1. I'm the NEW Exchequer for my branch - What do I do?

If you are new to the Exchequer position, you should:

  1. Fill out the online change of officer form, AND
  2. Print the paper change of officer form, fill it in, collect the required signatures, and mail copies to the Kingdom Exchequer and to your Regional Exchequer (West, Central, or East).
  3. Read the Chancellor of the Exchequer Handbook
  4. Make sure you receive the files from the previous exchequer, and (hopefully) training.

You must be a current member of SCA, Inc. to hold the office. You cannot hold the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer if you are also currently Royalty OR the Seneschal of the group OR living with the Seneschal.

2. I'm the Exchequer for my branch - What do I do?

Read the Chancellor of the Exchequer Handbook. All information you need to know for the Exchequer position can be found in the Exchequer Handbook. It is available online in PDF format.

3. When and How do I file my Reports?

You need to generate a Quarterly Report using the Report Packet which can be downloaded from the links below and make certain that you report according to the Reporting Schedule provided in this document.

If you need help understanding how to generate a Quarterly Report for your group, here is a Sample Quarterly Report. First, you can familiarize yourself with this example of how requests for money by members of your group will be introduced to you. Next, you can review how you should record these items in this sample account ledger. This sample ledger also lists page numbers which detail where in the Quarterly Report you would place the activity. Finally, you can see how these items become the completed Quarterly Report.

Reporting Schedule

Report Time Period of Report Due Date
1st Quarter January - March April 30th
2nd Quarter April - June July 31st
3rd Quarter July - September October 31st
4th Quarter October - December January 31st
(both reports!)
Domesday Combined Annual
  • Only the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarter Reports can meet deadline requirements via email.
  • The Domesday Report must be received by deadline in signed hard copy format only.
  • All reports must be sent to both the Kingdom Exchequer and to your Regional Exchequer (West, Central, or East).
  • If you are using the Excel version for your Quarter Reports and decide to opt for "Cumulative Report" for every quarter in a given year, then you do not need to send a separate 4th Quarter report with the Domesday at the end of the year. Remember, you must have made the decision to do Cumulative reports for the entire year and this must be reflected in the dates on your reports for the entire year.

Quarterly Report Forms

  • Financial Report Form Packet: XLS
  • Large Financial Report Form Packet for Baronies & Kingdoms: XLS
  • Negative Financial Report Form: PDF | XLS

(XLS files require Excel or compatible program)

4. My branch is hosting an event - What do I do?

You should read through the event section in the Exchequer Handbook. As Exchequer you are ultimately responsible for the Event Porter position. The Autocrat, as the person responsible for the various functions of the event, is the first person responsible for filling Porter position and making sure they are able to complete the job. However the Event Porter must be approved by the Exchequer (you) and should the Autocrat be unable to fill the Event Porter position that responsibility falls to the Exchequer (you). This does not mean that you must be the Porter, only that you must make sure the position is filled.

The Event Porter should make certain they are using the current Single-Page Waiver/Gate Form (which can also be used for pre-registrations for the event). The branch Exchequer and/or Porter will need to close the gate with the branch Seneschal or their designee (all gates must be closed with a minimum of two people). All event paperwork must go home with the Seneschal/Seneschal-designee separately from all gate monies, which must go home with the Exchequer/Porter. Preferably, the gate should be reconciled before the paperwork and monies leave the event. But when this is not possible, the Exchequer/Porter and the Seneschal need to arrange to meet to make certain that the monies reconcile with the paperwork.

Additional Porter Notes

  • NO money may leave the till unless it is a cash for cash exchange to provide change.
  • NO refunds or reimbursements will be issued from the till; all payments will be issued by check only. Generally, this means refunds and reimbursements are issued after the event and mailed to the payee; however, if the Exchequer is in attendance, has their 2nd signer and willing -- they certainly can issue refunds and reimbursements by check ONLY the day of the event.
  • All pre-registration monies must be deposited into the branch SCA account within 14 days of receipt.
  • Within 30 days after the event the Exchequer must file an Event Report Form to both the Kingdom Exchequer and to your your Regional Exchequer (West, Central, or East). This means that all reimbursement requests and any payments should have been received and paid within 30 days of the event. There is a Sample Event Report which coincides with the same data used to make the Sample Quarterly Report listed above. The Exchequer must also complete the Non-Member Surcharge paperwork. The completed NMS Paperwork Form along with the NMS check should be sent to the NMS Deputy. This must also be done within the 10-day timeframe. All waivers from the event should be sent to the Waivers Deputy who is a deputy of the Kingdom Seneschal.
  • If the event is held in Wisconsin you MUST comply with the State of Wisconsin Temporary Event Operator and Seller Regulations. These are state requirements which we must follow any time merchants are present at any SCA function in Wisconsin. Please make certain you have read over what you should do to make certain you comply with the requirements outlined in the FAQ on the Wisconsin Temporary Events Law.
  • If the event is held in North Dakota, and there may be merchants at your event, you MUST comply with the North Dakota Special Events Vendor Rules.

Quick List

  • Use Single-Page Waiver/Gate Form at your Event's Porter
  • Use two people (Seneschal & Exchequer) to reconcile monies and paperwork for the Event.
  • Events in Wisconsin: File the WI State Temporary Event form within 10 days
  • Events in North Dakota: File the ND Special Event Vendor Listing form within 20 days
  • Within 30 days file Event Report (Kingdom Exchequer & Regional)
  • Within 10 days file NMS Paperwork (NMS Deputy)
  • Send all waivers to Waivers Deputy

Event Forms

Most of these forms can be found at the end of the PDF of the Exchequer Handbook.

5. What are the Wisconsin rules for events and merchants?

Effective September 15, 2005, all organizers of events in the State of Wisconsin are required to collect and report information on any vendors. If this information is not collected, the merchant cannot sell at the event. Here is a reminder for how the new merchant requirements should be handled:

  1. Have all merchants pre-register for your event and fill out the WI State form S-240F with this information.
  2. Please complete and email the spreadsheet format of the WI State form S-240a to the Kingdom Exchequer before the event. Yes, before. This is just an emergency backup for me to have to make sure we comply. I will NOT be sending in the paperwork unless I absolutely have to -- so additions and subtractions can and should be made by you after the event. In short, it's OK if this is not a complete report due to changes.
  3. Send the completed spreadsheet report to the State (can be done via email) -- make sure to send a copy to the Kingdom Exchequer when you do this.
  4. Make certain the completed report is sent by the 10 day deadline.
  5. If you are NOT having any merchants, if you (the exchequer), the autocrat or the Seneschal could please just send me an email stating that this was the case.

The reason for pre-registering all merchants (or as many as you can) before the event is to help make sure you get all the information into your hands so that you are better able to handle the deadline and not be liable for the $200-$500 State fines. Again, please let me know if you have any questions about this. And please refer anyone who has issue with this to me.

Wisconsin Forms and FAQ

6. What are the North Dakota rules for events and merchants?

Effective August 1, 2007, all organizers of special events in the State of North Dakota that have ten or more vendors participating at an event are required to provide the Tax Commissioner’s Office with a list of all vendors that are making sales, providing displays, or otherwise engaging in promotional activities at the special event. The vendor list is to be provided within 20 days of the event.

Special events do not include events that are organized for the exclusive benefit of a nonprofit organization and all of the net proceeds from the event sales go to the benefit of nonprofit organizations. This means that in North Dakota, "SCA, Inc." etc does not need to be listed as a vendor.

  1. Have all merchants pre-register for your event to determine if your event exceeds the 10 vendor limit.
  2. If less than 10 vendors – do nothing.
  3. If 10 or more vendors, send the completed spreadsheet report to the State (this can be done by email). Make sure to send a copy to the Kingdom Exchequer too.
  4. Make certain the completed report is sent by the 20 day deadline.

North Dakota forms and information

7. I misplaced my Northwatch. Where can I read your missives?

You can read the missives on the Exchequer Missives page

8. How do I donate money to Northshield?

You simply need to write a check out to: SCA, Inc. - Kingdom of Northshield.

Send the check to the Kingdom Exchequer.

If you would like your donation applied to a specific fund please make sure to note the fund in the note section of your check and send a short message of where you would like your money applied. Some examples are:

  • Current Royal Majesties Travel Fund (note names please);
  • Current Royal Heirs Travel Fund (note names please);
  • Endowment Fund;
  • etc.

Please note that the Kingdom Newsletter has a separate bank account, so donations to the Northwatch are handled differently; see below.

9. How do I donate money to the Kingdom Newsletter?

You simply need to write a check out to: SCA, Inc. - Northwatch.

Send the check to the Northwatch Exchequer.

If you have any questions about sponsoring an issue, contact the Kingdom Chronicler.

10. Tell me about the $1 per head Northshield Fundraiser fee

The $1 per head Northshield fee is a fundraiser to help offset Kingdom expenses throughout the year.

The $1 per Head Fee is NOT mandatory. Your branch makes the decision on whether or not they want to collect this fee for their events, and each event can be done on a case by case basis.

Your branch will also make the decision on whether or not this fee should apply to children.

11. How do I record a deposit for site use?

Sometimes your group may need to pay a deposit down in order to use a site.

If this is a deposit for renting the site in the future and the deposit amount will get credited to the site costs, you can still list it under "Occp. & Site (AR)".

If this is a deposit and they should be returning the check to you as long as there is no damage, then you can hold the check on pg. 5 (Comparative Balance) under the Other Assets section.

If this is a permit or license fee you had to purchase from the State or University to allow you use this type of facility, and there will be another separate fee for rental (eg a license which cost you $25-$50 and the site rental will be $1000 at a later date) then you can list it under "Fees & Honoria (AR)".

12. Minors and the Non-Member Registration (NMR)

If children are charged the same site fees as adults, they are also subject to the Non-Member Surcharge. If you charge a lower site fee for children, they are not subject to the Non-Member Surcharge. When setting the fees for your event, please offer reduced fees for children whenever possible.

13. Can I issue a reimbursement without a receipt?

If someone wants to be reimbursed for something, but they don't have a receipt, this becomes a decision for the group. If a receipt is lost, the general procedure is for the group to decide (ie - at a general meeting) whether they would still like to reimburse. If so, then the person asking for reimbursement should provide any materials they do have (such as a cancelled check) and an itemized estimation of their request; for example they would say something like: 23 loaves of bread @ $1 per loaf = $23.

14. My group is sponsoring an incipient branch - What do I do?

Per Corpora, incipient branches may not hold funds or property until they become full status groups. In the interim, a sponsoring branch will hold their funds and assist them in preparing to become full status.

When you are a sponsoring branch holding funds for another branch, you will need to start keeping at least two registers:

  • A main register in which you record all activity for both the sponsoring branch and the incipient branch. Any activity for the incipient branch will appear in all of your quarterly reports and will be listed under your branch.
  • A second register in which you record activity only for the incipient branch. This means anytime you have activity for the incipient branch it will always get written down twice -- once in the main account and once in the incipient branch's account. This is called a dedicated fund.
  • If you like, you can also make a third register to track the activity which occurs only for your branch. This may be useful if your branch likes to know what activity it alone has done -- but your quarterly reports will still always be the combined main account.

The location for the start up money for the incipient branch depends on how they acquired the money. It's just like any other income for your branch. Just put it into the appropriate category (eg Event Income if they held an event).

For your report, the activity for the incipient branch gets reported just like any of your own branch's activity. You are generating a report for the Main account -- which is activity for both branches. The only place the dedicated funds appear is at the very end, there is a page which lists "Dedicated Funds" -- you just list the ending balance for the incipient branch's fund at the time of quarter end.

The incipient branch should have an exchequer and this exchequer should create a "ghost report". This gets them into the practice of having to generate reports. The incipient branch exchequer should make up a ghost report of the activity for their branch only, and send it to the Kingdom Exchequer, the Regional Exchequer and the sponsoring branch's exchequer. As the incipient branch's sponsor, you act as another level of senior officer for the incipient branch -- another person for them to work with, to get used to the system.

15. I have another question that isn't in this FAQ

Read the Chancellor of the Exchequer Handbook. All information you need to know for the Exchequer position can be found in the Exchequer Handbook. It is available online in PDF format. If you're still unsure about something, contact your Regional Exchequer (West, Central, or East) or the Kingdom Exchequer.

Posted by: Kim Sumi Choe Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer on 5/8/2008

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