Three young ladies Three young ladies

05-2008 Northwatch Missive


We hope this May finds the Kingdom of Northshield in good spirits, for this month we will decide our Heirs in the traditional manner of combat. The august list of combatants and consorts read at Our Coronation is testament to the number in Our Kingdom who wish to take on the responsibility of the throne. Whoever proves victorious this month will be by our side through the summer campaign season and rule through the fall and winter when we retire.

We would like to thank the Barony of Nordskogen for the splendid Coronation. As the first faced with the new policy of setting Coronation sites post crown, Nordskogen rose to the opportunity to show that grand and wonderful events can be created in a short period of time. We will forever be grateful to all who made the day possible.

At Our Coronation we introduced a Royal Guard for Our reign. We choose these gentles as unbelted and unscarved representatives of the Rattan and Rapier communities who geographically represent all of Northshield and who are both highly skilled and willing to serve. We charge them with motivating local combatants and keeping Us informed of the happenings around Our vast lands. They do not replace our Peers or Our White Scarves, but the peers and scarves cannot be all places at all times and The Royal Guard is whom We and the Knights and White Scarves see as the next level of leadership.

We also announced that during Our reign when We create a new member of the Grant orders, we will call forth the Northshield order and then request those with equal out of kingdom honors to stand; if we call forth the Tyr we invite any Dragon’s heart holders to stand etc. This is meant to recognize honors from other Kingdoms as many good gentles often move from one to another Kingdom (and sometimes Kingdoms move away from you!). It is not intended to be a command so if someone chooses not to stand, standing would be impractical for the situation, or the call is not heard there should be no dilemma but as this is new, please spread the word of this whim of ours.

Later this month we venture south toward Calontir for Ages of War where we hope to  see many of you there and the beginning of our summer of fun.

As always in Service to Northshield,

Lars and Mary

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Lars II and Mary II Their Royal Majesties on 4/27/2008

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