Can you tell me where your located? That will help me connect you with a group near you.
Eilis mac Maurice
Hello William,
Joining the SCA is easy.
We welcome you to attend our local meetings and our events. You needn't join the SCA, Inc, to attend and participate (although if you decide to be with us regularly you may wish to join). The only requirement to come to an event is that you make some attempt at pre-1600 costume -- and most groups have "loaner" costumes for people who want to come to their first event. Each SCA participant remembers the day s/he started, and most people are happy to help out a newcomer. Many local groups have officers whose sole duty is to help new members find their way into the SCA.
We have several groups that are near Tripp.
Border Downs - Sioux Falls
Triwent - Huron -
Coldedernhale- Pierre -
Group contact info is on the tip of these webpages.
The next event in SD is Northern Realms War in Piedmont, SD
You should contact the Kingdom Chatelaine if you have further questions.
Welcome again!
Eilis mac Maurice
Greetings! The recent pavilion issue reminded me to read (all) the Stallari Minutes. I have a substantive concern:
The minutes from 2004 - 2013 include summaries/recaps from the Stallari Discussion e-list. Since then - no information, despite it being obvious that such discussion must be occurring.
1) Was this intentional? If so, why?
2) If unintentional, can it please be rectified?
Baroness bridget ni Cathasaigh, OP, Beare of Northshield; Crwth, ODH, OW, OPF, ODG, ORB, Iron Cross
Thank you for your question. This was not an intentional act and it was not done in any way with malice of forethought. I didn't as Seneschal give this issue of clarity and transparency any thought at all and the fault for that lies entirely in my lap. I am a fan of transparency and as such will be working to correct this oversight on my part. I would ask for some indulgence as my mundane work has become seriously challenging and paperwork has begun to clog up the works demanding my attention. I will address the issue as quickly as I can. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Kita Jiru Toramassa
Sealed bids may be submitted in hard copy or electronically. In either case the bids will not be shared with the Stallari council or the royalty until such time as the bids are displayed and the winner is picked.
Kita Jiru Toramassa
Apologies for not responding to this sooner. The items purchased in 2014 will not be included in the bid, and the kingdom will include these materials when considering purchases in the future.
Kita Jiru Toramassa
Welcome. You are located in the Shire of Noiregarde Their seneschal (group president) can be contacted at Their chatelaine (new member coordinator) can be reached at Either of these officers can help you get involved with the Society.
Generally speaking, unless it is a demo, our events are not "open" to the public, but we are very welcoming to new, or potential, members who want to attend our events.
We look forward to seeing you at an event soon.
Arnbjorn Karlsson
There is a group up in that neck of the woods called Shire of Skerjastrond. I don't know what heavy fighting they do up there (pretty sure they do) or what they do in the winter. I would suggest you contact their marshal and ask them directly.
Their armored combat marshal is Lord Eysteinn meinfretr, email address is:
If you aren't able to get an answer please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
Kita Jiru Toramassa
The seneschal for the group is named Claudine delaTour (Nicole) and her email address is:
If you don't get a response please contact me directly and I will see what else we can do. My address is
Kita Jiru Toramassa
I am so very sorry!!! My name is Belle and I am the Kingdom Chatelaine. I'm not sure how your requests have gotten missed. Please, please accept my sincere apologies. Please feel free to contact me directly at and I will be happy to get you started. Please know that this is not normal for me to ignore requests like this. I will check my email to see what happened. Thank you for your persistence!
Isabella Beatrice della Rosa
We would love to see you there. I would direct you to Ealdred of Malmesbury ( who will be running that event. He should be able to help you find out more information so you and your friends can come and learn about the SCA. Thanks for your interest
Kita Jiru Toramassa
This information can be found in the SCA's Marshal's Handbook found here:
In particular as of 3/22/2013, that information is in section VII F and G, as the answer depends not only on the style of bow, but the ammunition fired from it.
Kitakaze Tatsu Raito
Greetings my lady-
You are in between two of our larger groups. I am including the contact information for both of them. Both of these ladies are very helpful and should be able to help you on a more local level :)
Barony of Jararvellir - Primary Contact: Elizabeth Kalmbach(Elizabeth Von Kulmbach)Email:
Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr - Primary Contact: Charvonne Kemp
(Nikea deLeon) Email:
These ladies may know of some smaller local groups also or be able to get some folks from their groups that would be interested in helping set up a Demo for you.
I hope you find this information helpful. If I can be of further assistance please feel free to email me at
Yours in Service-
HE Deja
Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu
Answered privately..
Marwen de la Rivere
i checked your local group page and found this:
hope it helps
Orlaith Ballach Inghean Fhlain
I'm going to forward your question to the email list for the Minneapolis / St. Paul area. I hope that someone will be available to help you!
Marwen de la Rivere
Lady Caterine I know we have a large group in the Sioux falls area so I am currently working with them to get you some more information on a local group or some individuals in Rapid City. I will let you know what i find.
Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu
Hello - I am emailing your privately...
Marwen de la Rivere
Hi James -- the system doesn't allow me to email you directly. Can you email me at marwen42 at gmail dot com?
Marwen de la Rivere
Hi Adam. I've sent you a private email. Welcome back!
Marwen de la Rivere
There are many special interest groups within the Kingdom of Northshield, many of which have email lists or other forums. These forums, and indeed the groups themselves, are unofficial entities.
I would recommend putting your question to the Northshield Hall to gauge interest.
Marwen de la Rivere
Your Excellancy, the questions have all been answered either directly to the individual or through the forum, however, not alwsys is the original question deleted.
David de Bohun,
David de Bohun
The SCA is not only still viable and active it is alive and well. The Minneapolis area is the home of the Baroney of Nordskogen. you can find them at
David de Bohun
While it depends on the mail, the body can generally be covered by mail over padding. Elbows must be covered by rigid material as defined in the Marshal's Handbook.
Kitakaze Tatsu Raito
There are only two groups that I know of in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. One is in Marquette and the other is in Houghton/Hancock area. Both of these groups are part of Northshield. If there is interest for any other groups in the UP, it would probably need to be discussed with the Middle Kingdom and the closest groups to see what would need to be done to start forming a new group and which Kingdom would be claiming them. Usually its a matter of where there are close groups that can help sponsor the forming group and who has time and interest as well as proximity. I would suggest that you contact the groups in the UP and talk to them a bit and then maybe the closest groups in the lower part of the state to see who has that kind of interest to help. Northshield has a deputy kingdom Seneschal for New groups and she can be found at and the Middle Kingdom has a deputy kingdom Seneschal for New Groups as well and he can be found at Both of these gentles can help you as well. A Seneschal is the person is basically the regional president and can help in many ways and has deputies to help do that as well.
Hope this helps.
Elashava bas Riva
Thank you for the information. I will pass the word on to her.
Elashava bas Riva
My suggestion is to contact your local marshall and see what they have available for loaner gear and where practices are held and when. You should be able to get that information from
Armored Combat Marshal Thorgrum Steelbender Daniel R Kruse
If you live in Shattentor. If you live in noriegarde you probably need to ask the seneschal as that group appears not to have an armoured combat marshall right now
Seneschal Appolonia Sybilla Rebil Name Hidden
Best of luck.
Tom Tinntinnabulum
I would suggest you contact the
Transitions and new groups officer who is
Elspeth O'Leary
(Elizabeth Laux)
303 S. Walnut Street Appleton WI 54911 United States
(920) 858-1958
she should be able to point you in the right direction. Best of luck on getting a group going
Tom Tinntinnabulum
Becker appears to be about 30 miles to St. Cloud and 45 miles to Minneapolis. There is also a group forming in the north Minneapolis area (around St. Francis) and that's about 31 miles to Becker.
Events happen around the kingdom almost every weekend and it depends on the event if you need to sign up in advance. Check out the event you are interested in and read about each one individually. These events are sponsored by branches of the organization in that geographical area. Sometimes it is less expensive to pre-register for an event but not always.
You do not have to attend meetings first but it can help to get to know people ahead of time and they can help you understand what an event can be like and what kinds of things you need.
A local branch can sometimes help with loaner gear (clothes and armor) sometimes but they can also help you find ways to make it yourself or who to purchase it from. The officer in a local branch that helps newcomers is called the Chatalaine or the Gold Key (depending on the group and their duties). If a branch does not have an officer to do these duties you would want to contact the branch Seneschal (local president).
There are three groups very close to where you live. Here are the groups and ways to find out the contact information in each one.
The group in St. Cloud is the Shire of Rockhaven and more information can be found at
The group in Minneapolis/St. Paul is the Barony of Nordskogen and more information can be found at
The group in St. Francis is the Village of Blachmere and more information can be found at
One more word of advice. You ask about borrowing armor. This is one of the reasons that it is good to contact a local branch. Our combat requires a certain level of knowledge of the rules to make it safe for everyone. This means that you should get together with members of the local branch to learn this through practice and training. To actually participate in our combat, one has to be "authorized" by "marshals". Again, these are things that can be explained when you are in contact with whichever group you decide to participate with.
Oh, yea. And one of the reasons that it's good to be involved with a group close to you is that they often have activities during the week to help prepare you for the events. Not just fighting practices but archery, dance, music, guilds that can teach various arts and/or sciences like calligraphy, costuming, etc.
Have fun and welcome to the SCA.
Elashava bas Riva
This question was answered by HE Rodrigo. "This is a very subjective question. Minneapolis has a ton of stuff going on all the time. I recommend you look at and you can search up restaurants, bars, events, etc. Plus if you go to the ‘ads’ you can see ads for live music happening at different locations"
Elashava bas Riva
This question was forwarded to someone in Svaty Sebesta and dealt with before the event.
Elashava bas Riva
And just for anyone else looking to see if there is a group in their area, check out:
Elashava bas Riva
We have a number of groups in that Minnesota. You can search for the closest group to you by going to and then following through by contacting the Seneschal (local president) and/or the Chatelaine (officer responsible for helping newcomers) of that group.
You might also look at some of the e-lists available (found at: and let people know you're out there and want to get involved. In particular, please subscribe to "Northshield Youth and Parent Treehouse" and let people know you're going to be here and looking to connect with other parents of small children. There is not a lot of a 2yo but we do have a number of people with children that young and there might be good contacts to be made.
Elashava bas Riva
I'm assuming that you might living in Minnesota. We have a number of groups in that area. You can search for the closest group to you by going to and then following through by contacting the Seneschal (local president) and/or the Chatelaine (officer responsible for helping newcomers) of that group.
You might also look at some of the e-lists available (found at: and let people know you're out there and want to get involved.
Elashava bas Riva
I'd suggest that you subscribe to the Northshield e-list (all e-lists are available at: ) and then post what you are interested in. We have people interested in most of those things across the kingdom but that covers 4 states, 1 province, 1 part of a state and 1 part of a province. If you do post your question, I recommend mentioning where you are located and that you'd love to talk to people about these topics either in informal gatherings, through private emails, or at events.
Elashava bas Riva
Greetings Melody,
Where are you located? Many groups have a loaner garb box. If the group does not many times individual members may have extra they can loan out.
Have you tried contacting Border Downs? That is the group in Sioux Falls. I know many of their members attend Cecil's Seige.
Lady Gaia is the Senescahl. Her contact information is
Merideth NiShionniach
Thank you for the reply to the previous Question Nikea!
Merideth NiShionniach
Answer: You would be associated with Caer Anterth Mawr a Barony that covers your area. The Chatelaine for the Barony would be happy to assist you. Lady Eva of Greenfield (Linda Skillings) e-mail: Also, you can check out the website: For more information on the local events and meetings. The next one is Baronial Championships. That info is also available on this web page as well. Nikea
Merideth NiShionniach
Mistress Bronwyn
On behalf of the Crown and the members of the Council thank you for your research and for you interest in the accuracy of our Laws. As you can imagine your initial message has brought up much discussion among the members of the council. We have not yet reached a firm decision on exactly how this issue will be corrected, but I do beleive we are leaning in the direction of recommending to the Crown that we ammend this section of the Laws with something similiar to "Greater officers may appoint subordinate officers as they deem fit to fill positions that may have been overlooked in section I-270 above.
David de Bohun
The SCA Corporate website is and lists all of the kingdoms that make up the SCA. The area that would include India if there were a group there would be the Kingdom of Drachenwald which currently has group in: EUROPE: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany and Luxembourg, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium, Romania, Sicily, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom; MIDDLE EAST: Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait; AFRICA: South Africa. Or the West which has groups in USA: Northern California, Nevada and Alaska; ASIA: Japan, Korea and Pacific Rim.
I think that contacting Dame Rose de le Mans ( and/or Mistress Siobhan ni Seaghdha ( would be your best bets. They are the contact for the West Kingdom and could help you decide how best to proceed about organizing your own group in the area.
Elashava bas Riva
Name and device submissions need to be sent to the Keythong Herald. The address information is listed at
Merideth NiShionniach
Thank you for information Grimmund.
Merideth NiShionniach
Greetings Robert,
There is inded an E-mail list for the Scribes of Northshield. I have listed the link with this message to sign up.
Merideth NiShionniach
I appologize for not responding sooner to your question.
Basiclly "The Badge may be used, but permission should be sought from that particular Kingdom Seneschal to use it."
If you can provide a picture of the tattoo you are looking to incorporate the Compass into, I can respond with a yes or no rather quickly. Please be assured that my only concern is that the tattoo is tastefull and does not reflect negatively on the Kingdom. You can send the picture to
Again I appologize for not responding sooner.
David de Bohun
Greetings Elleyne,
There are some questions that need to be asked before someone could start to look up a Scottish name. Here is a website with some information and the questions. I would advise to contact a Herald or the Herald's list at NS-Heralds.
Merideth NiShionniach
Not sure where you could find it. I know some folks who do a lot of mail making. You could try emailing Travis Johnson (feel free to drop my name since he is in my household. If anyone would know, it would be him.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Yours in Service.
Tarrach Alfson KMOAS
Tarrach Alfson
Thank you for the Reply I have attached it as an answer to Tim's Question.
Merideth NiShionniach
Warriors and Warlords will be July 9-12, 2009, in Boscobel WI. When more information is available, it should be at and will be linked off of the kingdom calendar.
Katriona ni Chonarain
The SCA's Membership Services should be able to do that for you. You can find the contact information at or on page 2 of the Northwatch. The corporate office provides the mailing list for the Northwatch every month, and the Kingdom Chronicler cannot change or remove any of the addresses on that list.
Next time you and your son renew your memberships, one of you can get a Family membership, which is cheaper and does not include a Northwatch subscription, but carries all the other benefits of a Sustaining membership, including the right to hold office.
Osric of Fayrehope
There are no specifics because, as you note, it is likely to be different for any given individual. Peerage is a subjective state, not a merit-badge like awards where you complete a set of tasks and are recognized. Thus, the question becomes: Are you as conversant in medieval studies, courtly activities, and pass-times as the other peers (and note, this bench-mark is relative depending on who is sitting the throne at any given time). The source of the information is irrelevant so long as it is accepted as generally accurate. However, this is merely my opinion and you should certainly take this same question to other peers (including royal peers).
Tarrach Alfson
Georgetown is in the Kingdom of Ealdormere, and there are several groups in the immediate area. You can check the maps and group list on Ealdormere's web site, or ask Ealdormere's Kingdom Seneschal to help you find the nearest group.
Osric of Fayrehope
This isn't a question.. it is an answer to Tim's question 5 spots down... because every time I wrestled with technology trying to post an answer I just kept getting body slammed! If you are still looking for someone to build garments for you I may be able to help. I have 18 years experience patterning & building period reproduction garb for reenactors, regional theatres around the country & shops on Broadway in NYC. Give me a shout at and we can figure out if my funky skill set can be of any use to you.
Merideth NiShionniach
Events are whatever a local branch decides to hold, so I cannot know whether something just like this will be held again. However there are other class events. November 1 is our kingdom's Heralds and Scribes Symposium, with will have many classes on different aspects of heraldry (researching names and devices and court and field shouty bits) and scribal arts (calligraphy and illumination). On November 8 there is a Costuming Seminar, which will have classes on different kinds of period clothing. Other events often hold classes on any number of things. If you look at event websites, they usually list what classes have been scheduled.
Katriona ni Chonarain
To all who read this message.
I reside in the Kingdom
of Northshield in the present day town of
Williston, ND.
According to the current Kingdom map
that places me in the relm of Midewinde.
I fear at this time, that my area's interest
is limited and seeking shireship
would be futile.
However, I would like to show you our Old Armory.
I am unable to attend meetings in
Minot, ND weekly as the distance is too great.
However, if I could be allowed to start a Guild
(The Guild of the Lone Keep) or something along
those lines, I am more then willing to assist in
arranging an annual even at the Old Armory
for the SCA.
I believe that due to our location
Near the Kingdom of Artemisia, the
South Eastern Part of An Tir,
that we could be an excellen host location
for an major events that you wish to hold.
The Old Armory is divided into several sections.
A top floor has a stage and open area for
theater productions, while the bottom floor
has a kitchen and open area large enough
to hold battles, dinners, or any other
event that needs extra area.
I would like to host and support the SCA and
help build up a group in this area if those who are in this region are willing to provide support.
The type of SCA member I would be, would be one
who holds down the fort in the local area,
coordinates marketing, advertising, and would
be a supportive role as an event coordinator in this area.
I seek your assistance in this matter.
Williston Host
Welcome to Northshield!
Thank you for your offer support. We apreciate it! I will pass on your letter to the regional seneschal, as well as the local seneschals of both Midewinde and Dreibrucken, the two groups closest to you in Northsield. The building looks lovely, and maybe it would work for an event.
I do understand about distances, though I am not as isolated as you are. I hope that you might come to events, though I don't blame you for not making the trek for weekly meetings.
I hope to meet you soon. Our Crown Tournament is in Minot on Saturday, if you are available.
Katriona ni Chonarain
Events happen all over the kingdom almost every weekend. Here is a schedule of our events coming up:
Local groups also all have meetings. You can find your local group by entering your zip code on this page: You can click on the goup name to find out more. If you contact the person listed, they can help you find out when and where the meetings are. Most local groups also have their own website, and they are listed here:
Welcome, and enjoy!
Katriona ni Chonarain
Under the Groups menu you'll find a link to a Search by City/Postal Code form. If you type a city name or ZIP code into that form and click on the button, it will tell you which group covers that area, with a link to the info page for that group. If you're logged in, the page will show you the phone number and email address of that group's contact person, who can tell you when and where they hold their meetings and practices. The info page also has a link to the group's web page, if they have one.
Osric of Fayrehope
There is not a formal guild, but there are people who are interested in herbalism and spices. I would suggest that you talk to people in your local group and/or bring up topics for conversation on the Northshield Hall (email list). Another option is talking to the kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences and asking for help finding people who might be interested.
Katriona ni Chonarain
The SCA does not participate in or endorse any religion. We also do not exclude or include based on any religion. For the most part, religion is just not part of what we do. That helps a lot in preventing conflict based on religion.
What that means for you is that we certainly would welcome you, with religion not being involved in the decision. We love to study the past! What your personal beliefs are do not aid or hinder that.
Katriona ni Chonarain
Here is a link for Forward into the Past it has a few pages on how rank is acheived, the titles that go with each rank and the proper address for each rank.
Merideth NiShionniach
Yes, you could start your own group, or you could go to any group you like. The "zones" are not strict at all. If the St Cloud group is more convenient, by all means go there. They are a wonderful group of people. If you decide that you really like the SCA and that you want to start a new group, you can contact or
Welcome to Northshield!
Katriona ni Chonarain
The best way to become active is to find your local group (you can do so at and contact either the Chatelaine (newcomer officer) or the Seneschal (like the branch president) and they can fill you in on the where and when that group meets.
You may also want to join the local group's e-list as well as the Northshield e-list (
From there, my best advice to you is to show up and start asking questions.
Katriona ni Chonarain
Tarrach here, speaking more as a royal peer than as MOAS.
Since you have received the accolade, you have the right to bear the symbol of the award. Thus, you can obtain any glove to your liking and embellish it as you wish for display. You do not need to receive one officially from the Queen. The Crown gives out gloves (and other tokens) as they see fit and are able. Such tokens are either donated to the Crown or the Crown purchases them out of their own pocket (the kingdom only reimburses the Crown for travel, and then only partially). Thus, if you are so minded you could gather and embellish a set of gloves and donate them to the crown (either keeping one for your self or letting the crown give one back to you), thus helping both the Crown and your fellow fencers. Indeed, there might also be the opportunity for a bit of schtick if you coordinate the gifting with the Crown ahead of time, and the donation is made court. You might even be able to provide a bit of amusement for the general populace with your gift.
Tarrach Alfson
Greetings Leda,
The web site for Border Downs is:
Their next business meeting is this Sunday the 13th of April.
There is also a group in Vermillion, SD which is closer to you their website is:
All the contact information is one their pages. Hope this helps.
Merideth NiShionniach
You can start a shire many ways, for example by getting together with people who are interested and live close to you, or by going to the closest group and asking if they know anyone closer to you. There is more information about starting new groups in our policies here
Please note that this is currently an out of date document, so the other policies may not be accurate, but the new group information is good.
The person that you would talk to is the Transition and New Groups Deputy of the seneschal, currently Lord Lancelot, and you can reach him at He would be happy to answer any questions that you have. You can also talk to your regional seneschal or the kingdom seneschal.
Katriona ni Chonarain
The Stallari meetings are only open to members of the Stallari Council, but the minutes are published online. We are a bit behind on the minutes, but they are here: The minutes can give you an idea of what kinds of things the Stallari discusses. Much of the business of the Stallari Council is done online on an email list, and those minutes are also published in the same place.
Katriona ni Chonarain
There is not a formal ride share program, but many people do share rides. Local metings are a place to ask, as are local email lists. If you live on the way to an event from somewhere else, you could ask on the kingdom list (for example is you live in St Cloud, MN and want to get to Fargo, ND, you could ask if someone from the east coming on 94 could give you a ride).
Katriona ni Chonarain
The group in Winnipeg is the Barony of Castel Rouge. You can email the seneschal at
Osric of Fayrehope
The SCA is an international organization, and has branches throughout the US and Canada, as well as on other continents. New England has many groups, mostly in what we call the East Kingdom. Their kingdom website is and you c`an enter your zip code to find your closest group at
Welcome, and we hope you enjoy the SCA!
Katriona ni Chonarain
There are quite a few websites which describe the process and have good photos and instructions. Here is one:
Talk to your local group and they may be able to guide you to someone close by who can help you out.
Tristan von Eisig
Yes, the web team already has it on their to-do list.
Osric of Fayrehope
According to the "official" listings, you'd belong to the group in Rochester (Silfren Mere,, but you can attend the meetings of whichever group you find most convenient, there are no geographical restrictions.
Katriona ni Chonarain
Thanks for the question and yes, that piece of information still needs to make it to the new site, we'll get on it right away. Thanks,
Gevehard von Baden
There is no age minimum to join the organization, but to go to an event you need to have one of your parents or an adult with you who has paperwork stating that she or he is legally responsible for you . The best way to get involved is to contact your local group and they can tell you where and when they meet and give you more ideas on how do get involved. You can find your local group under the Newcomer tab on this website on the group search page.
Meistari Katriona ni Chonarain
We attempt to recreate the Middle Ages through the study and recreation for what they wore, what they ate, things they made, and by recreating several fighting styles. For an overview, you can go to if you haven't already. The best way to get involved is to contact your local group and they can tell you where and when they meet and what activities they do. You can find your local group at:
Katriona ni Chonarain
We recreate roughly 600-1600 so Renaissance is more then welcome!
Katriona ni Chonarain
The Kingdom Laws can be found on the Seneschal web page, which you can reach by clicking on "Seneschal" in the Officers menu (not a submenu). You may have to click the "Handbooks" button to see that section of the page.
Osric of Fayrehope
Please be more specific with your question. What group or city are you in?
Tristan von Eisig
Here is the website address of Caer Anterth Mawr, the Milwaukee branch of the SCA:
Get in contact with Caer Anterth's Knight Marshal at this email address:, who can provide you with current information about fighter practices and how to go about getting authorized.
Tristan von Eisig
Kingdom Officers are not required to wear any indication of our office. We have a few pieces of regalia we can wear for that purpose, according to personal preference:
* An open-sleeve tabard with the officer badge on the front & back, and the Northshield badge on both shoulders. We generally wear it only for Court because it's too heavy and warm to wear all day.
* A big 4-inch medallion of the Northshield badge, with a smaller officer badge in the middle. Some officers wear it all day, while others find it uncomfortably heavy (it weighs over half a pound).
* A black fabric baldric with the same badge design as the medallion appliqued on the front. This is sometimes hung from the belt like a favor, with the badge showing, so as not to clash with our garb.
The Kingdom Webminister is working on some major website improvements, one of which will be the ability display photos of the Kingdom Officers, which should make it easier for people to recognize us at events.
If you want to find a Kingdom Officer, try asking the Event Steward (who should at least know whether that person has arrived) or another Kingdom Officer. Failing that, ask the heralds to make an announcement.
Please keep in mind that Kingdom Officers are sometimes busy with meetings and other business during an event. The current Kingdom Chirurgeon had three separate meetings to attend at Crown, but most of the day he stayed within view of the fighting.
The Crown gives serious consideration to all award recommendations they receive, but whether they decide to give the award depends a lot on what you say, how you say it, and how many other people have made similar recommendations.
A clear explanation of *why* the person deserves the award is very important, especially if the person is not well-known outside his/her local group. *John Smith deserves a Cygnus for service to his shire* will do little to convince the Crown. List all the things he has done that are relevant to the award: *He was MoAS for 3 years, seneschal for 2 years, he has helped with cleanup at every event for the past 5 years, he helps newcomers make garb, ...*
Grant-level awards like Bridgets Flame also require courteous behaviour and leadership, so be sure to mention what the person has done to lead, teach, or encourage others in the types of activities covered by the award.
Remember to list events that the person is expected to attend during the current reign. If that is not possible, list events that you know will be attended by other members of his/her group.
Currently, award recommendations are not carried over from one reign to the next, so it is okay to repeat your recommendation with each new reign. You should not make the same recommendation more than once per reign, unless you have more information to add (e.g. *he will be at WW* or *he taught classes on calligraphy and embroidery at our last event*).
There is no age minimum to join the organization, but there are specific activities that have age restrictions. All of the meetings are open to all, and all events are open to all, if there is an adult with you who has paperwork stating that s/he is legally responsible for you. The arts and sciences are open to all ages.
There is youth combat and youth fencing for your age group, but you will need a legal guardian to participate. Our adult fencing requires you to be 14 with a special authorization or 18 standard authorization, and our armored combat requires you to be 16 with a special authorization or 18 with a standard authorization. Some offices require legal adult status.
We hope that you will come and join us! If you need help finding a local group, please email
We hope that you will join us for Pennsic! Our campmaster is Lance von Windhaven, and his email address is
Greetings! There is a group in Minneapolis called the Barony of Nordskogen. Their web site is at
The group's Seneschal (president) is:
Ellen de Wynter (Ellen Cutter)
(612) 243-1769 or
Our apologies for taking so long to respond.
No, there are no plans to create a memorial page. While it is a worthy idea, we feel that the Northshield web site is not the best place for it. Such a page is better done as a personal endeavour, by someone who will give it the care and attention it deserves, and not restricted by a need to conform to the kingdom web site's design.
If you or anyone else wishes to create a memorial page on a personal web site, the Kingdom Web Minister may consider adding a link to it if requested.
The history might be a bit out of date but at least it's a start. It can be found at:
There is an interactive map available at: and the list of groups an be found at:
Also, feel free to contact me, Elashava bas Riva, at if you've got specific questions about an area.
This will be a lot harder for you with both the peer-fear and not really knowing any peers personally since most Peer/Dependent relationships (Pelican/Protege; Laurel/Apprentice; Knight/Squire) are usually based on similar interests and goals and it really helps to know someone, at least a bit, before considering moving into a more serious relationship.
Every peer is a bit different in how they view these relationships and until you have a chance to get to know some of them, it's hard to know how they view these things and how you'll fit with them. You won't know if you end up seeming presumptuous or over-stepping boundaries until you actually know the person you're talking to.
Come find me and let's talk and maybe I can help relieve a bit of your peer-fear. We can find out what you're interested in and maybe I can find someone close enough to you who you can get to know and find out if it might work. I am Elashava bas Riva (or JustShava). I'll try not to be TOO scary. ;-)
Sorry to take so long for this!
All minors all need either a minor waiver or a signed blue membership card, whether you are with your legal guardian or not. The minor waiver is on the Northshield website at
This part of the Northshield website has additional information about what you and the adult you are going with (guardian) should bring with you if your guardian is not coming with you.
I hope you enjoy your event!
M'Lady Rayanna--Our apologies for taking so long to answer this question. It got a bit lost in the shuffle of time over a very busy summer. Households are not recognized by the SCA and hold no official standing. They are simply voluntary associations of individuals. Therefore, all you need to do to organize a household is just to do it on any model that works for you. However, since households are not official branches of the SCA, they may not sponsor SCA events. Households wishing to conduct SCA events, as opposed to household parties (which are outside the scope of the SCA), must work with and through an official SCA branch. If you are interested, however, in starting an official branch of the SCA, most of the process for starting is described with links to the relevant policies on the Northshield's website at
M'Lady Jaquemine. Our apologies for taking so long to answer this question. It got a bit lost in the shuffle of time over a very busy summer. The decision to keep guilds as informal groups was made when the Kingdom began and anyone can start a guild if they have interest and others interested as well. If this guild is something on a local level, you can just do it within your local group but if you want it to be Kingdom-wide, it's a bit more complicated. The use of Kingdom, Northshield, or Royal is restricted to use only with permission by the Crown so if you wanted the guild to be called something like "Northshield Alchemist's Guild" you would need permission to do so.
That all being said, here is the policy from the Minister of Arts and Sciences is:
Local or regional special interest groups organized for the study of a specific medieval art, science, practice, or craft have no official standing within the Kingdom of Northshield and shall receive no recognitions or regulation beyond that which is commonly applied to households. This permits such groups to form and disband without unnecessary bureaucracy as interest in its focus waxes and wanes over time. While it is
desirable that a special interest group would report its activities to the local MOAS, it cannot be required.
Kingdom-wide special interest groups within the Kingdom of Northshield must meet the following requirements:
[1] A prospective guild must submit a charter to the KMOAS outlining their focus, defining their officers and organization, and requesting kingdom sponsorship in accordance with Northshield law. The KMOAS shall make recommendation to the Crown and Stallari Council concerning acceptance of such a charter. The KMOAS will keep a copy of the charter in the files.
[2] The group and its activities must be open all members of the SCA, and its meetings and activities announced sufficiently in advance that all interested parties have a chance to attend.
[3] The group will report to the KMOAS on the same schedule as local officers or the charter shall be revoked and kingdom sponsorship shall cease.
[4] Organization of the group shall not infringe upon the rights and prerogatives of the Crown or its representatives.
Our apologies for taking so long to answer this question. It got a bit lost in the shuffle of time over a very busy summer. Each Peer of the Realm has their own personal philosophy about how they go about taking dependents (apprentice/squire/protégé) and the only way to find out about their philosophy is to talk to some of them whenever possible. Some Peers do not mind have dependents who do not live close by and some feel it is essential to have closer contact opportunities. I know that it's not easy to approach people you don't know well and maybe you can let me know in a private email where you are located and what some of your interests are. It's possible that I might be able to make some inquiries and find some connections for you to at least start with. You can contact me, Viscountess Elashava, at:
Our apologies for taking so long to answer this question. It got a bit lost in the shuffle of time over a very busy summer. The Board of Directors (BoD for short), is the governing body of the Corporation that runs the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. There are seven members of the Board of Directors and they serve terms of three and one-half years. Terms are staggered so that one term ends and a new Director takes his/her seat every six months. The BoD is the body which steers the SCA. It is responsible for the maintenance of the Governing Documents, proposing changes as necessary or desirable, and is the final arbiter of interpretation of those rules. The Board reviews banishments imposed by Crowns, and is the only entity that can revoke SCA memberships and awards. The Board must approve the creation and dissolution of branches. It approves the annual budget and all spending at the Corporate level. The Board oversees the activities of the Corporate and Society officers. Each Director serves as Ombudsman to one or more Kingdoms and/or Corporate and Society officers. The Board plans for the SCA's future growth. If you have further questions, please contact me, Viscountess Elashava, at
First of all, the term 'SUN' refers to Stellar University of Northshield.
The SUN database is simply a maintained list of people being willing to
offer themselves to teach classes at events. The list consists of the
person's name, where they live, what subjects they are willing to teach,
and how far they are willing to travel to teach the class. The Kingdom
Minister of Arts and Sciences and that MoAS deputy; the SUN Chancellor
maintains that list and offers it to people planning events.
If you or someone else wishes to access this database please contact or
in service,
Baroness Mairghread ingen Sean
MoAS of Northshield
Kingdom Seneschal
Applications are due to Viscountess Elashava by Fall Coronation.
Kingdom Webminister
The Webminister is a deputy of the kingdom Chronicler. Among the
duties and requirements are: reliable high-speed internet access,
working knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL programming languages.
Previous experience maintaining a large web site is a plus, as well
as graphic layout skills and access to image editting software and
the knowledge and skills to produce high quality, efficient web
images. Applications are due by September 1, 2006 and should be sent to
SUN Chancellor
This position is considered a deputy to the office of MoAS. The
duties of the SUN chancellor will be maintaining and working on the
SUN database, acting as a liaison to the populace of Northshield to
aid in finding teachers for various classes as requested by event
stewards. For more information or to submit an application please
contact Baroness Mairghread at with questions or
Greetings from Meister Gevehard, Polaris Herald
What you were told is not incorrect, the device in question is for the group. Generally, a populace badge could consist of the group arms minus the laurel wreath. This would however be a good subject of discussion at a group meeting. Northshield, for instance, has at least two different registered populace badges. If your group wishes all members can bear the shire arms, it's up to the roup to decide how to use their 'arms'.
the information you are requesting has just arrived to us within the past two weeks, please allow a short time for our notifications deputy to infom you in writing as to the disposition of your name and or arms.
Thanks for your patience.
If you have any further question please feel free to contact me more directly:
Meister Gevehard von Baden
Polaris Herald
My apologies for taking so long in responding to this question. Every time I started to do this, something got in my way.
For situations like yours, you can ask to be treatied back to Northshield. After all, it seems better to allow people to play this game where their heart lies rather than where their zip code happens to be. Treaties are done completely at the prerogaive of the Crowns of the Kingdoms that you are including, in your case the Midrealm & Northshield. But we have set up an easier way to do this administratively to help citizens such as yourself get this set up.
To request inclusion into the citizenship treaty between Northshield and your current kingdom, please review the text of the treat which can be found at: Once you have reviewed the treaty, fill out the form: . This form will send your request to the Royalty of the respective kingdoms. Their Majesties will then review your request and either confirm or deny your inclusion. When the Royalty have made Their decisions, you will be notified of your status via email.
Remember, though, ultimately, you can play wherever you wish. There are no residency requirements for most things, including being an officer as long as you and the group you're an officer for believes that you can do the job. The only thing that might be a bit more difficult without the treaty is that a Crown of one Kingdom may not give awards to citizens of another without consulting the Crown of the Kingdom that that person resides in. But treaty status gives you the right to claim to be a citizen of another Kingdom and get their awards if the Crown so chooses to award you.
Ultimately, it's where your heart lies and where your friends are that determines where you play this game.If you'd like more information, please contact me directly at
Elashava bas Riva
Seneschal, Kingdom of Northshield
A good place to start with general questions is to check with the Kingdom Chatalaine, Eliane Halevy, who is the person who helps newcomers find their way in our organization. Her email address is: . Or you could correspond with me, Elashava bas Riva, the Kingdom Seneschal (Regional Vice President) if you wish. You can use the email address: if you'd like.
And another option, if you would let me know where you are located, is to contact someone in your own area that you can ask questions of. Since the Northshield area is quite large--Northwestern Ontario, Manitoba, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the western half of UP Michigan--it helps to know where you are to know where to set up a correspondence that would be most beneficial to you.
Greetings from Kevin O'Shaughnessy, Earl Marshal of the Kingdom of
You asked: "How can I enter the Crown Tournament? When is it?"
Well, the main requirements for entry into Crown Tourney are listed in
the Northshield Laws, located here:
You want to look in Article III, "Crown Tournament and Coronation".
Some (but not all) of the primary requirements that are expected of all
intending to compete in Crown Tourney (both the combatant and the
consort) are:
1)Be a paid member of the SCA and have access to the Northshield Kingdom
newsletter, "The Northwatch" at their place of residence,
2) Be a subject of Northshield for the year preceding the Crown Tourney
and " able to demonstrate a reasonable level of participation in
diverse activities in Northshield during that period."
3) "All prospective combatants and their consorts must be acceptable to
the Presiding Royalty."
There are several other requirements listed as well. The King and Queen
may also add additional requirements for those wishing to compete.
Participation in Crown Tourney is not something intended for newcomers
or beginners in the SCA. It is the Highest competition we have. To
become King and Queen is to take on the task of embodying the Kingdom of
Northshield and being a shining exemplar of what is expected within the
Many fighters train HARD for months or even years in order to compete in
Crown Tourney. Some are doing regular physical fitness regimens and
attending as many fighter practices as they can per week. They work
hard to stand before all and demonstrate their Chivalry, their Virtue
and their Prowess.
Northshield's next Crown Tourney is being held in Chaska, Minnesota in
the Barony of Nordskogen on Saturday, May 13th. The additional entry
criteria expected by Prince Lars and Princess Mary (who will be King and
Queen when the Crown Tourney happens) are posted here:
I hope this has provided some useful answers to your questions.
The simple answer is the same as for getting to Carnegie Hall -- practice!
Because the SCA is interested in the medieval age, it has all manner of Royalty, with the various titles and badges of rank that come with it.
However, as a modern organization, the SCA does not practice the handing down of nobility from parent to child. So the SCA chooses its Kings and
Queens by tournament.
Be warned, though! You asked how to be Princess of Northshield. In the SCA, all Princesses of Kingdoms become Queens in due time.
Entering the Crown Tournament is fairly simple. Our SCA and Kingdom Laws say only couples (one maile and one female) may enter, and that they must fulfill various requirements. They must be a member in good standing receiving the Kingdom newletter, have participated reasonably within the Kingdom for a year, and be acceptable to the Crown (theres a couple other minor conditions, which can be read in the Laws). Of course, the current King and Queen may put additional restrictions on the conditions under which a couple may enter.
Then either win the Crown Tournament, or be the consort of the person who does win.
Strangely enough, winning is the easy part. That's only one day. While Royalty (especially King and Queen), one is expected to:
Attend many events all over the Kingdom.
Help make and keep the Laws.
Make decisions that affect everyone in the Kingdom.
Decide which people get which awards.
Be the most shining example possible of what can be acheived in the SCA.
And most importantly:
Make sure everyone is having fun to the extent that it is possible. Remember, when you sit on the Throne, it's YOUR Kingdom, and your party. You're the host, not the Guest of Honor.
We have a group that is trying to get started near the Montana border. The contact person there is: Tommie Tank (Tomasina Fish in the SCA) and she lisves in Keene, ND. Her email is . The group is called Falkewinde and is part of the Plains region.
Now, technically Montana is part of the Kingdom of Artemisia however from what I can tell the only groups in Montana are: the Barony of Sentinels' Keep in Missoula and that area; the Shire of Bronzehelm in Billings; the Shire of Castelleone Nuovo in Helena; the Shire of Crystal Crags in Kalispell; the Shire of Dun Braga in Butte; the Shire of Silver Keep in Bozeman; the Shire of Stan Wyrm in Great Falls; and a group trying to get going called the Shire of Northgate in Shelby. From that, I would say that the closest would be the Shire of Bronzehelm in Billings based on the information you have given me. (excuse the strange fonts since they are all cut-n-pastes from the Artemisia website < > . I will copy the Kingdom Seneschal of Artemisia, THL Ulric, and the Seneschal of Bronzehelm, Maistreas Caointiarn, as well with this for they may have more information that I can find on their Kingdom's website that might be able to help you.
In Northshield, we have groups in Minot, Bismarck, Fargo, and Grand Forks as well as the one out in west that I've mentioned. Minot & Bismarck are probably closer to you than even the group in Billings.
You also are not going to be far from the Principality of Avacal of the Kingdom of An Tir. The groups in Saskachawan are: Barony of Myrgan Wood (Saskatoon, SK), Shire of Sigelhundas (Regina, SK), and the Shire of Valley Wold (Moose Jaw, SK). Looks like the groups in Regina and Moosejaw are almost as close as the goup in Billings but you're still closer to 3 Northshield groups.
We look forward to having you as a part of the SCA. Good luck and feel free to ask for help anytime you need it.
my name is Gevehard von Baden and I am the Principal Herald for Northshield. The choice of a name is one of the most lasting and to me important decisions someone can make when joining in with us. The SCA does not require that you have a registered name or detailed personna. Name and device registration is controlled by the College of Arms and they require that a certain amount of research be done to demonstrate that the name is medieval in it's basic form and structure. Some modern names have medieval roots and others do not. The best way to choose your name in the SCA is to research first and choose second. Many resources for researched names from a variety of cultures exist on the College of Arms web site
Look around for something that appeals to you.
If you have any further trouble please feel free to contact me directly at
I'm sorry but we really cannot help you with this question. The SCA is not set up to allow anyone, whether in the organization or not, just to find someone in this manner. Even if we knew this person or had any idea of her whereabouts, it would be an invasion of her privacy to give out that infomation. You might want to figure out who else might have known her and start out by subscribing and posting to that Kingdom's e-list. To do that in this Kingdom, you would go to and subscribe. At that point you could post to the list as a member. To determine what Kingdoms you might want to try this with, go to and go to an individual Kingdom. You can check out which Kingdoms are in which territory on this page as well. I'm sorry that we cannot be of any more help here nad hope that you can find her in another means
Your question is too vague for a specific answer since I have no information about the time, place, to recreate. Bone, antler, horn and ivory were worked by cultures from the paleolithic poeriod to the present day. I suggest contacting you local
MOAS, Finn MacArt [aka Arthur Slaughter] at He may be able to help you find a local person with whom you can work. I also
suggest you read _On Divers Arts_ by the 12th century monk Theophilus. It is available in translation from Dover Books. I also suggest finding _Bone, antler, ivory & horn: The technology of skeletal materials since
the Roman period_ by Arthur MacGregor. Further study of some bone items can be found in Stig Jensen's _The Vikings of Ribe_ [now out of print]
and Dan Carlsson's CD-ROM _Viking and Medieval Combs from the Island of Gotland, Sweden for PC and Mac_. Generally, the tools used to work bone
were the saw, the file, the awl, the drill or auger, and the employed changed depending on the
project and some cultures or time periods used certain tools preferentially. I hope this gives you a place to start. Please contact me at if you have further questions or problems getting started.
I can help a little but not completely. As to the device and badge that should be no problem, the difficulty comes with the name and you already realize that this culture is difficult to document. Would Hungarian be close for you? How much are you willing to compromise? You might talk with either local group Herald in Schattentor or Noiregarde. Are you willing to change your name to make it documentable? If not then use what you like, otherwise it will be difficult to impossible unless you know of documentation. Wish I could be of more help...
There is a group in the Rapid City area called the Shire of Schattentor. The Seneschal (local president)'s information is:
Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir ()
517 Lion Drive
Rapid City, SD 57701
The group's website is: . On that site, the old Seneschal is listed and you could probably get ahold of her at:
Candis Morgan
906 Allen Avenue
Rapid City, SD 57701
Email address:
I will let both of them know that you are looking for them.
"Currently, all Northshield requires is the Gate Reconcilliation form to be done by the group's Exchequer. We are in the process of making some changes here. At Officers' Day in October, a combined waiver/gate reconcilliation form was presented to many officers for comment. It's been tweaked according to recommendations about it and should be ready to use cross-Kingdom soon. Just need to get the final version done by the person working on it and then get the forms uploaded to the website and sent out to all Exchequers and Seneschals.
I had asked for commentary on doing a combined Event Report that would be finished done by the Event Steward and given to the Seneschal after the event was over. If there are martial activities at the event, there should be a marshal's report, if there are injuries or medical care given there should be a Chirurgeon's report, and if there is a Court there should be a Court Report done by the Herald doing the Court, the idea is to pull all of these together for the Seneschal for the group's records. The final form of this report will be a short synopsis of what went well and what didn't go so well by the Event Steward, a copy of the gate reconcilliation form, and copies of any reports that were needed. All of this should be done within a month of the event.
I have double-cheked with the, Aaron Swiftrunner, the Society Seneschal and he said "if this is not an explosive reaction, it is fine. But the sodium water things i have seen before are rather a lot of chemical boom....."
So, I will take this that it is okay with us as long as it's okay with the campground, anyone who is in authority in the area, your local Seneschal and sponsoring group and that every safety precaution is taken and documented just in case of a problem. It might be good to also warn the attendees in some way that this will happen so no one is shocked or scared by it all.
A Shire is an autonomous group that stands on its own in the SCA. The basic requirements are:
* At least 5 members.
* At least 3 officers, including a Seneschal, an Exchequer, and one of the following: a Herald, a Marshal, or a Minister of Arts and Sciences. Local branches are encouraged to fill all the latter positions.
* A name registered with the College of Arms. In Northshield, we also require a device to be passed or at least in the late stages of being passed.
* Consensus among members in the area favoring establishment of the proposed branch.
* Reporting requirements are just to the Kingdom, possibly through a Regional officer but that depends on the office.
Cantons are dependent on Baronies. Their members are part of the Barony as a whole and therefore entitled to help from the Barony and may be given Baronial awards as the Baron & Baroness see fit. The requirements of the number of members, officers, etc., are the same as a Shire but Canton officers should send copies of their reports to their Baronial counterpart as well as to the Kingdom. Questions and problems can be dealt with on a Baronial level first before going all the way to Kingdom.
The biggest difference is that a Canton is part of a Barony. Their members given the same priveleges as if they lived in the Barony proper. But distance and or population size make it easier for part of the Barony to operate on their own as a Canton.
The answer to your question is cleverly hidden within the Governing Documents of the SCA, Inc. The recently updated (November, 2005) version of this document can be downloaded at
Section III addresses branches within the SCA, including what is required to be recognized and/or advanced as one of these groups. The SCA follows Kingdom law and custom for groups below the level of Barony.
The laws and policies for Northshield are available for download on Northshield's web site at This page includes links to many official documents concerning the operation of our kingdom.
In Northshield, groups who have not yet acheived full-status (i.e. shire, canton, colleg, etc.) are typically referred to as Outposts
As we understand it, the short questions you ask are two:
1. How much money does the Kingdom intend to raise with this voluntary
2. What will it be spent on?
Depending on how many groups choose to implement this, the Kingdom plans to raise between $4000 to $8000 per year. Looking backwards, we see that the expenses have continued to rise, even disregarding that we knew that last year would be bigger than usual, due to the expenses (and donations!) involved with becoming a Kingdom. Undoubtedly, the Kingdom might lose some of its regular donations from groups who adopt this policy. But it is likely to be good for the Kingdom overall, as will be explained here.
There are extra expenses associated with being a Kingdom, as well as mandates from the corporation. One example is that Northshield now prints its own Martial Activities cards. That is a relatively small expense, a couple hundred dollars every few years, but it is one that we didn't have before. Another are the various symposia that are becoming mandatory for our Great Officers. If you look at this year's budget, we've budgeted $500 per symposium. It is likely that each officer will be required, in the next few years, to attend each year. That adds up to at least $3000 per year that Northshield wasn't spending before. Of course, we could just tell incoming Great Officers that they'll have to shell out for the symposia themselves.
Notice that we've said nothing about the Royal Travel Funds, nor the Great Officer reimbursement funds. We don't anticipate raising the amount given to those funds from the General Fund unless there is revenue to cover such increases. We're not voting ourselves raises. The reimbursement funds don't much affect the financial stability of the Kingdom because, aside from the stipends mentioned in the financial policies, these funds are funded solely through donations. Only the General Fund has a large impact on the Kingdom's financial position.
Right away, let us say that the Kingdom isn't currently going broke. This measure isn't really about raising additional funds, except the extra we need being a Kingdom, as outlined above. What we are trying to do is to stabilize our finances. We're doing this for several reasons.
One reason is that Northshield will have less free cash than it has had in the past. This doesn't mean we have less money, just that the Financial Committee has decided to move much of the Kingdom's savings account into investment vehicles (currently CDs) that pay interest at least equal to inflation. We don't want the value of our donations to be eaten away by inflation. This means less free cash, which means that we need to regularize out revenues. Currently, the Kingdom receives donations is big amounts, at somewhat random times of the year. But our expenses are fairly constant, saving the two big humps near the end of the reigns, when everyone is getting their reimbursements. It's much easier to plan for this if we can more readily predict when money will come in.
Another is that, historically, Northshield has done an adequate, but not stellar, job of financial planning. Most prominently, we tend not to look at past trends to predict the future. When we were a Principality, just listing our funded stipends was enough to get by. It isn't any longer, and we're working on making next year's budget much more accurate. Notice the quarterly statements that have been coming out in the Northwatch. Those have been put in, in part, to show our commitment to responsible fiscal planning, by showing the populace exactly where their money is going more often than the once a year addition of the Domesday (which is fine for Exchequers, but doesn't help anyone plan much). Those reports will improve, too.
I'm sure that we will get a FAQ together at some point but that hasn't been a high priority at this point. I will check to see if one of my deputies is interested in taking on that project.
As for Ducere, Ministrare, Illuminare, it is the Kingdom motto and means "To Serve, To Guide, To light the Way".
Shava 7/14/05
There is a link to all Stallari minutes on the Administrative Information page but you are right, it would make sense to also have a link from the Stallari Council page. I will make that suggestion to our webminister tonight.
Shava 7/14/05
Update: Thank you, Jacques, for asking the question. The oversight has now been rectified and there is a link to Stallari minutes from the Stallari web page.
Shava 7/17/05
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Kingdom of Northshield. Original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.