Baron Papa Stefano D'Amato Baron Papa Stefano D'Amato

Awards presented at Pennsic War 49 on 8/8/2022

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Bravura "Shin" Takeda Shinjiro Shin Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Golden Peacock, Order of the "Shin" Takeda Shinjiro Shin Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Saltire, Order of the Abelard die Elster Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Adrien de Troyes Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Golden Peacock, Order of the Amundr Raudbjorn "Amadon" Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Athelyna de Chestre Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Black Griffin, Order of the Athelyna de Chestre Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Authun of Darkmoon Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Cehero Oakensword Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Saltire, Order of the Ciana Scholari di Polcenigo Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Dauid the Restful Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Eden Kegslayer Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Gautier de Franqueuille Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Courtesy of Northshield, Order of Hrodwyn Brycgentslaga called Trollslayer Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Golden Peacock, Order of the Hrothgar Ulf Gunnarsson (Gar) Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Iollan Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Jois Corbet Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Bravura Knut Eld of Ironwood Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Golden Peacock, Order of the Michahel Auerer Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Courtesy of Northshield, Order of Siegfried von Kulmbach Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Award of Arms Svena Gandalfsdottir Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Taion Orbanus Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] Vladimir Radescu Kingdom of Northshield Ajax and Gaia

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